
Honestly think toddlers have the right idea on how to go through life:
          	-Throw a tantrum every time you don't get your way
          	-Bite those who annoy you
          	-Nap all the time
          	-Eat all the time
          	-Cry some more
          	-Bite some more
          	-Say nonsensical stuff and then get mad when nobody has a clue what you are saying
          	Like, they have this life stuff FIGURED OUT


@gotthatbrainrot Until they see that they have no clue what's going on 10 years later


Honestly think toddlers have the right idea on how to go through life:
          -Throw a tantrum every time you don't get your way
          -Bite those who annoy you
          -Nap all the time
          -Eat all the time
          -Cry some more
          -Bite some more
          -Say nonsensical stuff and then get mad when nobody has a clue what you are saying
          Like, they have this life stuff FIGURED OUT


@gotthatbrainrot Until they see that they have no clue what's going on 10 years later


Happy anniversary of your brutal murder, Jason!
          (He actually makes me cry with how tragic his character is)


@gotthatbrainrot I know right!!! Poor Jason!!!! At least he has his brothers:):):)


          My older sister found and FOLLOWED my fan tiktok account where I post about fics, shipping, headcannons, etc 
          It has my ao3 attached to it to omg I am screaming 


@MysticTopaz6293 she didn’t even know I write/read fics lol she hasn’t commented on it yet so hopefully she forgets


@gotthatbrainrot best of luck with finding that rock


@gotthatbrainrot Omg! I feel like one's fanfic preferences are like your underwear drawer. It is a private thing unless you want to show it off. So I can't even imagine. 


I NEED someone to write a fic about the original idea for the time travel proof in Endgame.
          Clint was supposed to go back in time and bring Pietro with him as proof that it works and I NEED someone to write this. The angst of it, of Pietro coming back and realizing Wanda is gone, of learning what she had gone through, fighting for her and all the other dusted to come back.
          And then a climatic and emotional reunion on the battle field like just imagine Wanda is doing the whole “you took everything from me” speech to Thanos and Pietro body slams him out of the way and looks at her and goes “not everything” 
          And then they proceed to destroy Thanos.
          (Also Nat never dies bc Steve sacrifices Captain America (not himself, the role of captain and the serum) and so she is there too)
          ((And ofc Pietro makes fun of his sister for dating Vision like come on it happens))


Here for the quarterly update on life and why I have not been updating:
          -I am taking night classes twice a week (trying to become a social worker)
          -I am now working two jobs (one full time and one part time) plus occasional babysitting bc I am tryna move out
          -I have lost a lot of inspiration and creative flow for stories which is frustrating bc I actually do have the ideas and the motivation I just lack the time and the drive and then that upsets me that I am not writing which further takes away the drive and it is an endless cycle
          I really really wanna write more, especially since I am finding balance between all my fandoms (getting back to my roots of Marvel and DC) and it is super sad to me that I haven’t produced anything in months
          Here’s hoping I can find a way to squeeze something out soon!!


@gotthatbrainrot good luck with school and work! Man, don’t worry about not getting stuff out. Can’t be worse than me dropping off the face of the earth for two years with no warning (it was an accident, officer, I promise)


@gotthatbrainrot I hope everything gets better! And that you become a social worker!


          I finally got the MRI for my knee the other day!!!
          Now I just have to wait for the results but I am so hyped to finally find out what is going on with it!!!


@ArtemisLianCrock-B07 thank you!! Thursday morning I talk with the ortho about it


I think one of the most annoying (at times) things about having a hyper fixation is seeing it everywhere and in everything. I cannot consume other media without the little goblin in my brain pointing out comparisons to it, cannot see character designs without matching them to other series, etc.
          I don’t know if this made sense but oh well.
          (This was brought on by the fact that I am currently watching Given and cannot stop seeing Kageyama and Hinata as Uenoyama and Mafuyu ((obvious)) BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY I CANNOT STOP SEEING HIIRAGI AS KENMA AND SHIZUSUMI AS AKAASHI!!! It is merely character design too cuz their personalities are wildly different!!! ((Well I mean Uenoyama and Kageyama are both awkward and angry as heck and now that I think about it Shizusumi and Akaashi both kind of have that quiet aloof vibe to them))
          I would just like to be able to watch/read something new without somehow relating it to Haikyuu/plotting an au of it in my head. 
          It is a blessing and a curse, unfortunately. 
          ((And I don’t even particularly like kageyama x hinata, I like them much better as teasing d-bag besties and hinata as kenma’s sugar baby (which basically canon post time skip)
          Sorry, I shall go back to sobbing over Mafuyu’s song now.


@gotthatbrainrot I’m literally writing a oneshot series about the YJ squad babysitting them. I have 2 parts up-pretty sure you have a whole book, though, so you win that one. And I’m drafting an actual BatFam story now 


@ArtemisLianCrock-B07 omg yesssss! Lets goooooo!


@gotthatbrainrot I feel the hyper fixation in my bones. You’d probably be pleased to hear that my current one is finally the BatFam.