
Hi everyone ❤️ 
          	It’s been a long time but I’m alive! Sorry for the short AN, but it’s a bit too much for an explanation this time  
          	I’m posting a new chapter and an extra for you now, the extra will be posted on Scarlet Prince, and I’ll pop it into CK later as well  
          	Much love to you all, and thank you for your paitence,
          	Daisy xx 


@Okay_Stars @annurukh @all_about_gracie yes I’m here!! We are going with surviving not thriving, but still moving forward and that’s the main thing ❤️ I’m glad you guys are still here!!


Shes alive!! Happy you’re well darling 


@iluvdaisychain thanks heaven that you are okay!! I was too much worried about you. Your update ease my heart. WELCOME BACK Daisy, missed you crazily ☺️


Hello! I read your APK series when I was younger and recently, I've found a few books in the store that were from my Wattpad library. It made me log on to see what else might have changed since and I found the APK series again. I've started reading it during work and boy have I missed these characters. I loved them then and I love them now. You're a fantastic writer and I truly hope that you're doing well <3


Listen, I don’t know what’s going on in your life but I’ve been a part of Wattpad for years and there is only you and a few  other truly talented writers here. Unfortunately, it also seems that not only do you guys share this gift but you share your writers block as well. I refuse to read anything until my favorite stories are updated and completed what I’m trying to say is that you are worth waiting for and I will continue to wait patiently.


I don’t know if anyone has told you this but I loved your stories and world building so much that I made a whole DnD campaign around it. I’ve changed a lot to fit in the game rules of DnD but it’s got mostly the same characters with a few differences.


Hi! I came across your APK series last week, and I was hardly able to put it down! I am sooo glad it was finished when I found it! Whew, girl! 10 years! I just finished the trilogy and am about to start The Crimson King, I think it was called! I see that the sequel has sporadic updates, and just wanted to tell you how much I am in love with your imagination and this universe you have created, and could you pretty please update more so I can keep reading once I'm finished with this next one?   I have 2 pre teens and 2 in their late teens, and to think you stared this journey at 15 years old is fantastic and impressive. I read all of your author notes and saw when you had gaps and even hiatus for awhile, and how you critiqued your younger self's work.. I gotta say, as someone who just read the whole APK trilogy straight through, that you were too hard on yourself. Your book sucked me in from the start, and the story and characters progressed and evolved seamlessly to me.. obvs aside from when you changed a few details later on, that wasn't even that big of a deal. I very much look forward to this next arc! As well as any other future works. 


@ClaraScollise argg, now I'm all caught up... NEED MORE! YES I'm a little obsessed without this story! 


I read APK when I was in middle school and now I’m 22 and for some reason Circe randomly popped up in my mind the other day  so I bought the subscription for Wattpad (WHICH BTW WHY IS IT NOT FREE ANYMORE :0) but I bought it just to relive this magical world you created. Thank you for this and I hope you and your wonderful mind are doing well ❤️