
Yall I finally watch part 1 of Bridgerton. Everybody talking about the carriage scene and the "inmprovised" scene, but that sweets tent had me HOOKED. 
          	Yes....grovel and languish.
          	I have to watch again.
          	Also, it speaks to my personality, but the the earl of kiltmartin and Fran had me blushing with their simply harmony. I felt I was violating a safe bubble only between them.


Yall I finally watch part 1 of Bridgerton. Everybody talking about the carriage scene and the "inmprovised" scene, but that sweets tent had me HOOKED. 
          Yes....grovel and languish.
          I have to watch again.
          Also, it speaks to my personality, but the the earl of kiltmartin and Fran had me blushing with their simply harmony. I felt I was violating a safe bubble only between them.


Trying to transfer to Inkkit and my images won't transfer and neither will my covers. Yall, should I just post them with out. I can't even make new covers because the size quota is aggy. Everything has been moved and updated save for about 2 books which I prefer to have images for. Beggars can't be chosers ig


@imziamandnarryasf bruh they force you to add a cover but then deny every cover option. Oh my gawd


Not Wattpad deleting my Cowboy book  book! I knew they were getting rid of interracial and black content and especial gay (I've seen other books and writers work vanish). It's been real, but we both know what might be coming next. Idk if I'll continue writing if my account is deleted for a third time. I love yall weirdos but Wattpad ain't the place to be


What’s going on? Is wattpad censoring us?


@imziamandnarryasf I am sure a good bit of us are there on inkkit I can say for sure I am 


@imziamandnarryasf, I will recommend finding out if it is where you want to start your new platform there or somewhere else. Wattpad wants to be in the big boys league and not quite there yet. They want to be known as an independent place for a writer, which was a long time ago. Now it's about profit and most if it is not even going to the author. Find your place. I need to know to know my Scottish teenage get his man. This song is him Lovin on Me by Jack Harlow.  But we know he is a killer 


Hey y'all, got some bd news. I went to see Oppenheimer Thursday night and now I have the C-word. Ngl it's kicking my a** rn. Idk if I can use this time to write or not, it sucks rn.


@imziamandnarryasf if I knew this would happen, I would've watched Barbie too. Def not going back to a theater for a while


Why did I think the “C-word” meant a particular cuss word ‍♀️. Either way get better soon and get lots of rest!


Dang not Wattpad calling me out for not updating in a bit...I am aware and making changes. Give me a minute please. Real life is taking the front seat atm and I'm in the trunk!


@f4iryh34rt @1-800-THADOOR I'm noticing a pattern of b×b writers here....


Happy 21st Birthday to me  


@imziamandnarryasf Just wanted to thank all of you for the birthday wishes. It was a great day and I got to visit family too. No fireworks cause im scary but I'm blessed for all the love and support in my life, on and offline . Thank you all <3


Happpppppppppy birthday ❤️