
Never again. 


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The realization that you're not really their friend when they don't invite you in their plans. 


@itskennywrites yup but ignore  krna chahya asa friend ko.....
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@itskennywrites yup brother I mean not like I care but it just hurts a bit 
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Not me feeling a little gay for hooded and masked shy guys ☠️☠️
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What's your theological understanding of God?


@itskennywrites God is outside of time, yet present in our lives. He's so big that my mind cannot and will never fully comprehend His might and power. He is beyond me, yet even still, He cares about the number of hairs on my head. On your head. The Holy Spirit guides and corrects me, and Jesus the Son washes me clean. God the Father, Son, and Spirit collectively watch over me past, present, and future.
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i love your view on God, & how youve come to explain it to me! it's much more refined than mine ♡
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@itskennywrites i would say i was trying to sow the eternity of God here by mentioning after ( after as in, after death, beyond human intellectuality & understanding of death & afterlife  ) & before ( before the existence of his creation, before he made the universe come to life) ( the alpha & the omega )  & i didn't mean anything in the literal sense ( perhaps i ended up adding a bit of poetic language there ) — indeed they are the evidence of his creation, i find meaning realising that i see him in all things that he has created. ig i meant i see his existence in the things he has created ( from small to big, including things science has yet to fathom )
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