
*NOTICE* regarding my old Kellic fics
          	I am slowly going through all my old Kellic fics and reposting them up onto my Ao3 account (and both backdating them to when I originally posted them here, and posting them to a different pseud rather than my main pseud). However, I won't be reposting them to Wattpad. So if you want to read them, go to my Ao3 account, Candy_Kittens, and look under the pseud, Old Loves, for them.
          	My old Kellic fics that I've reposted there so far, are as follows:
          	- Daisy Chains
          	- Tooth And Claw
          	- Give A Cheer For Me
          	- Static
          	Currently posting: Don't Cry - Kohnnie collab with @SatanicKellic666
          	More will eventually be posted. However, there'll still be some that will remain gone.
          	If there's any you'd like me to post first, then please say so, and if it's one of the ones I intend on bringing back, then I'll get to it first.
          	Fics still to post to Ao3:
          	- Teacher's Pet
          	- Rough
          	- Kiwi Country
          	- Magic Mayhem
          	- Darkness, Till The Break Of Dawn
          	- Mine
          	- Free (at least the chapters that I've got for it)
          	- The Secret That I Keep (this one is a maybe)
          	@thatonekellicshipper if you're still active here at all, and seeing this, please let me know what you'd like me to do with our old Kellic collab. Shoot me a message on insta, since this damn site removed DMs. My main Instagram account is hamtaro.hammond


*NOTICE* regarding my old Kellic fics
          I am slowly going through all my old Kellic fics and reposting them up onto my Ao3 account (and both backdating them to when I originally posted them here, and posting them to a different pseud rather than my main pseud). However, I won't be reposting them to Wattpad. So if you want to read them, go to my Ao3 account, Candy_Kittens, and look under the pseud, Old Loves, for them.
          My old Kellic fics that I've reposted there so far, are as follows:
          - Daisy Chains
          - Tooth And Claw
          - Give A Cheer For Me
          - Static
          Currently posting: Don't Cry - Kohnnie collab with @SatanicKellic666
          More will eventually be posted. However, there'll still be some that will remain gone.
          If there's any you'd like me to post first, then please say so, and if it's one of the ones I intend on bringing back, then I'll get to it first.
          Fics still to post to Ao3:
          - Teacher's Pet
          - Rough
          - Kiwi Country
          - Magic Mayhem
          - Darkness, Till The Break Of Dawn
          - Mine
          - Free (at least the chapters that I've got for it)
          - The Secret That I Keep (this one is a maybe)
          @thatonekellicshipper if you're still active here at all, and seeing this, please let me know what you'd like me to do with our old Kellic collab. Shoot me a message on insta, since this damn site removed DMs. My main Instagram account is hamtaro.hammond


Alright. I've decided to bring back a lot of my old Kellic fics, both longfics and one-shots (I think there's only a handful that'll remain gone). BUT, due to Wattpad's new ToS or whatever, and the fact that a lot of stuff has been getting deleted without warning, I'll only be reposting them up onto my Ao3 account. So if you want to read them, you can find them on my Archive of Our Own account, Candy_Kittens, under the pseud, Old Loves.
          If you wanted them back on here, I'm sorry. But they'll be available on Ao3. Because at least anything goes over there, and your fics won't get deleted without warning.
          @thatonekellicshipper if you're still active here, if you could let me know what you want me to do with our old collab fic, that would be great.


          At some point, I don't know when, I may post a new one-shots book that'll have some of my old Kellic one-shots in it. Not all, but some. Just the ones I deem good enough to repost here and crosspost to my Ao3.
          Also, I might start writing a very, very small amount of Kellic again (although, does anyone still ship Kellic these days, or is the ship pretty much dead now?), but only one-shots, and only for fic ideas that I have that just don't fit with my current fandom. Because I have a couple ideas that just don't fit with my main fandom. For example, fics set in high school just wouldn't fit with my main ship due to the age difference, and just, remember the era of the pastelXpunk Kellic AUs? I just cannot see that working at all in my current fandom.
          And I did find an unfinished Kellic one-shot in my Google Docs that feature my main three idiots that I guess I started sometime last year in an attempt to see if I could still manage to write Kellic, so I think I may that one finished at some point.
          This isn't 100% yet, but I've been thinking about it.
          And to reiterate, this is not me trying to rejoin the Kellic fandom, I still rather dislike the ship and Kellin and Vic these days (I did however try listening to them again a while ago, but there's just something about their voices and PtV and SwS lyrics that irk me now...). I just have some more old fic that I'm considering cleaning up and reposting, and maybe a few fic ideas that just don't fit with my main fandom.


Genuinely thinking about starting to write Green Day rpf again. Which is something I've not done in years. Was the first fandom I started writing fic for along with My Chemical Romance rpf, and I genuinely feel like getting back to it.
          As soon as I can come up with fic ideas for it....
          But Top Gear / the Grand Tour rpf still has me in a right chokehold (bastards...). So I'm not stopping writing for them anytime soon. Even with the Grand Tour coming to an end soon (two more episodes left, one coming out Friday 16th, then last at the end of this year I believe, then they're done).
          So would anyone be interested in Green Day rpf at some point?


What fic (or one-shots collection) do you guys want to see updated (I will try with my Stucky ones, but to be honest, my motivation is kind of lacking with them at the moment)?
          Trying to write my chapters out on pen and paper before typing them up onto my Google Docs to see if that gets me to start writing and updating things a bit more frequently, because I do manage to write a lot more with pen and paper despite having a bit of a bad wrist.
          And I think writing with pen and paper kind of works, as I've gotten about 6k written for a new longfic over the past few days. But that might be moreso because I've gotten a surprising amount of inspiration to start writing that fic.


The lack of a/b/o Top Gear fic is killing me....
          Seriously, there's like only two of us actively writing it on Ao3. Me, and anther anonymous writer (there are a couple others, but literally half of the Top Gear fics on Ao3 tagged with a/b/o are my own fics). And like no one in the private CHMSlash Dreamwidth comm I'm a part of.