
I've been struggling to write recently, I'll go onto the next chapters but I wouldn't be able to write anything down. I think I know what my problem is:
          	I think I'm tired of Kiribaku. Not that I don't like the ship anymore, but that I've been writing about the same two characters for so long that it's become a chore to continue. 
          	I've been writing another book (yet to be published) that's for another fandom, and I've been thinking on putting my focus on that as a small side project, a break from my other stories. 
          	I will return to these stories, I'm not abandoning, I just need a break from them. 
          	I'll be back with this new book, but in the meantime, I won't be updating anything. 
          	-Kit (happy Valentines day)


@Lord_explotion you'll have to wait and see <3


@kittyalicorn2000 Take as long as you need <3 also what fandom/ship is it gonna be??? I’m so curious :)


I've been struggling to write recently, I'll go onto the next chapters but I wouldn't be able to write anything down. I think I know what my problem is:
          I think I'm tired of Kiribaku. Not that I don't like the ship anymore, but that I've been writing about the same two characters for so long that it's become a chore to continue. 
          I've been writing another book (yet to be published) that's for another fandom, and I've been thinking on putting my focus on that as a small side project, a break from my other stories. 
          I will return to these stories, I'm not abandoning, I just need a break from them. 
          I'll be back with this new book, but in the meantime, I won't be updating anything. 
          -Kit (happy Valentines day)


@Lord_explotion you'll have to wait and see <3


@kittyalicorn2000 Take as long as you need <3 also what fandom/ship is it gonna be??? I’m so curious :)


I'm back and ready to write again, the reason it took so long is because I hadn't even touched the books that I'm writing. I felt like a long break was needed (and it was). I'm happy to say that everything is going well with just one mishap. 
          It might take sometime before a new chapter is out, but I'll assure you that I'm working on it. 


Sorry I haven't been posting in a while, at first I was sick, I had these horrible stomach pains but they've long since gone away. Then I had no motivation to write for a while, I tried to, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. And now I'm sick again. There's also other things in my life that are going on that I need to be prepared for, like weeks prepared. 
          I'll try my best to continue writing and posting, I've been thinking about posting the already written out chapters for "All Over Again" I've had them pre-prepared so I don't have to feel rushed in getting one written and out. But I'm not making promises on doing so. 
          I hope I can write again because I enjoy doing it, and enjoy my stories, it's just some minor inconveniences.