
          	I want to sincerely apologize for the delay in updates. Every time I try to open the story, it shows that there is a virus issue. I'm working on resolving this as quickly as possible so we can get back to regular updates. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


@mango887799  life and things happen.  :-). Thnx for doing this for everyone!


          I want to sincerely apologize for the delay in updates. Every time I try to open the story, it shows that there is a virus issue. I'm working on resolving this as quickly as possible so we can get back to regular updates. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


@mango887799  life and things happen.  :-). Thnx for doing this for everyone!


My lovely soul, are you going to keep updating the novel At the end of that memory? 




            Of course! I am committed to continuing the upload of 'At The End of the Memories' novel. Stay tuned for more chapters!


Please update marriage of convenience, I really enjoy it and would like to see more.


@mango887799 hi I'm sorry I didn't see part 2 for someone reason 


@aedior Hey, I apologize for the delay. I was busy with my studies. I've already uploaded the remaining chapters in Part 2, along with some side stories. You should check them out! Thank you for appreciating my work; you've made my day!


Hi, I really love forgetting Juliet. I'm in love with the characters & hope Juliet & Lennox can solve their relo. Just started reading a convenient marriage. & Just wanted to say thanks for your daily updates too. Hope you're doing well btw. Kinda feel bad for Roy too...
          Anyways much alofas from the island xoxo


@Alofagia-96Southsea I thought I was the only one who felt that way. I wish she had ended up with Roy instead of Leenox. 


Things that deserve to die(Review)
          Overall Storyline: 10
          Action scenes=10
          Character development: 8.5
          Writing/plot=10 very detailed and awesome.
          smut = 10
          Romance=10( Ml loves MC to the point it's hella creepy,he is shameless, funny, hot , pervert only to uke)
          strong assassin MC=
          ML =8
          Obsession : 8.5
          Humor : 8
          Favourite part?
          My favorite part is when Illhyun got drunk after hearing about Ja Kyung's ex-girlfriends. Ja Kyung knew how possessive Illhyun is, and as he returned to his room, about to sleep, someone knocked on the door. It was Illhyun with an axe in hand. He told Ja Kyung that now that he is Illhyun's lover, he wouldn't need his private part and threw the axe towards Ja Kyung's groin.
          Write down your Favourite part......


My honest Review of Forgotten juliet
          The main character is a joy to follow and I wholeheartedly recommend it. cool, collected, and intriguing. The novel's pacing keeps me hooked, and I appreciate that the author hasn't laid out all the details about why the main character wants to break up with the duke or why he's acting strangely. 
          let's be honest, he's a bit of a jerk, but deep down, I hope they can untangle their complicated relationship.