
A note regarding Guilty Revenge 
          	I'm extremely sorry about the delay I had a major accident last month which gifted me a fractured hand and the pressure of the airbags seatbelt left me with painful ribs, it's hardest phase to me because the accident is solely my blunder I was not in right state of mind while driving. Luck favoured me and my car saved my life, I have to type the chapter as all drafts were published. Although I can manage my mom was allowing me only thirty minutes of screen time per day, so it's hard to write complete chapter and I can work only on flow so I was moving with devil professor. 
          	Just give me a little time my hand will be uncaged by month end, surely I will complete GR by next month first week. Soo sorry I just didn't wanna share this bad news to anyone but the repeated texts made me realise your curiosity. I was doing well now. soon I will publish it, till then enjoy devil professor.
          	Sorry for delay and no reply for your texts or mails...soon I will see you 
          	Love you all


@meganskyle diiiii apna dhyaan rakho aap


@meganskyle Take care and get well soon. Don't worry about the updates. We will wait for u to recover completely 


A note regarding Guilty Revenge 
          I'm extremely sorry about the delay I had a major accident last month which gifted me a fractured hand and the pressure of the airbags seatbelt left me with painful ribs, it's hardest phase to me because the accident is solely my blunder I was not in right state of mind while driving. Luck favoured me and my car saved my life, I have to type the chapter as all drafts were published. Although I can manage my mom was allowing me only thirty minutes of screen time per day, so it's hard to write complete chapter and I can work only on flow so I was moving with devil professor. 
          Just give me a little time my hand will be uncaged by month end, surely I will complete GR by next month first week. Soo sorry I just didn't wanna share this bad news to anyone but the repeated texts made me realise your curiosity. I was doing well now. soon I will publish it, till then enjoy devil professor.
          Sorry for delay and no reply for your texts or mails...soon I will see you 
          Love you all


@meganskyle diiiii apna dhyaan rakho aap


@meganskyle Take care and get well soon. Don't worry about the updates. We will wait for u to recover completely 


Devil professor 
          Published in my innkittt...  
          It's almost a year I made anything from any platform... It's purely passion for writing...  I wanna quit writing but learnt I can't live without this...  Hope you bear me a little longer and actually I turned so bad in a while unable to accept shitty kinds like before so I preferred staying out...  This book was co written but I can't go without tagging my name it's embed account for safety of book and our rights it's needed. I will soon complete that book as well...  I just request you all read it enjoy the book.. 