
Thanks for 666 followers, y’all! Glad everyone is still enjoying my writing even after all these years - you are all the best! :D <3


@mismatchedsockslife please make a sequel to your story 'cause  the ending really hurts me a lot.


@mismatchedsockslife  Sorry, but I kinda ruined the 666... Just wanted to follow you... Oof.


Congrats (Satan!?) 


Girl when I read this last year I finished it in a day and it took me ten hours nonstop of straight reading and when they didn’t end up together in the end I got so depressed my friend had to come to my house and pull me out of bed to bring me to McDonald’s and watched me sob over my shamrock shake I will literally pay money for a sequel of this book


Oh my God what wait what it's over just like that please tell me there is more. 
          Ahhhhhh(sigh) well I guess reading this story by 1 in the morning wasn't good well we all live and breathe bad things. 
          Why did it end like that no offence but I need there to be more like what Nooooo it can't just end like that 
          BTW love you


this message may be offensive
Hi it's 5 in the morning but I just finished reading your book and I'm emotionally shatteted. I got SO emotionally invested... For this. Don't get me wrong, this is incredible if the way I'm bawling my eyes out is anything to go by but holy crap for a second there I really hated you, author. This ending stings so much because of how heart wrenchingly real it feels. My heart physically hurts that they didn't find their way back to each other but it's so beautiful yet frustrating and ugh emotions. Thank you for this book and honestly I still hate you a tiny bit for this ending haha. (In my head they find their way back SOMEHOW. It doesn't even have to be after Chance is done with art school it can be in forty years for all I fucking care. Just let me have this otherwise I won't be able to stomach this haha.) ANYWAY thank you for this roller coaster ride of a book! It was amazing and quite beautiful.


@starlight_ev this is exactly what I wanted to say 
            I'm legit in tears right now
            I had my fingers crossed for a happy ending ✔ 
            This was like a Rollercoaster and it was one with so many lows and downs.
            I hope this book has a sequel 
            Or else imma be emotionally unavailable for the next week  