
          	This week's chapter of ✨The Otherworlders✨ is live! This chapter is: 
          	✳️"S2-Ep.5.18 - To Tell You The Truth"✳️
          	~ Paula ❤️


Thank you so much for the follow!! Your support means the world to me! ♡


@m25_bookworm - You're welcome! And I'm glad we got the chance to connect. 


Hey, Friends!
          1) If anyone's around, can you tell me if you see "The Otherworlders" as #22 on the School tag list? It says it's there but I'm not seeing it -
          2) ✨The Otherworlders✨ may be moving platforms. I've been giving it a lot of thought. I'm DEFINITELY releasing an enhanced version of the story with illustrations and now AUDIO! (Jump to the end of "S2-Ep. 5.16 - Plan B" to get the link for that chapter's audio. It's awesome!!)
          3) WP is so hopelessly broken, as much as I love you all (and I know many of you are reading a few chapters behind my most recent posts), I'm not sure if it makes sense to continue posting here. 
          I don't reliably get notifications so I miss many of your comments, I don't get notifications for votes anymore, and now that PMs are gone. ARGH! It's SO frustrating.
          If I do stop posting here, I'll definitely give you guys plenty of warning and wherever I post, the story will remain free, at least for the rest of 2024. 
          Don't forget to let me know if you see The OW as #22 (or at all) on the School tag list.
          ~ Paula ❤️


@justcuriousrey - And I'd be thrilled to have you there! ❤️❤️❤️


@WendyyWolfe - Thank you for letting me know and thanks for checking out The OW! :-)


Aaaaaaaaah! Do I have a treat for you!
          In this next chapter of ✨The Otherworlders✨ there is a bonus link to THE AUDIO VERSION!!! 
          It's my experiment in converting text to audio and I used a TOTALLY swoony British guy's voice, and it came out better than I expected! ❤️
          Oh, and the chapter rocks too!!!
          This week's chapter is:
          ✳️"S2-Ep. 5.16 - Plan B...Sort of..."✳️

          Be sure to check out the bonus link at the end of the chapter and let me know what you think!
          ~ Paula ❤️


Yep!  You guessed it! Better late than never. :-D
          But before I give you the link, I just wanted to say that, even though Private Messaging has been removed, I'm always thrilled to hear from you all and open to chatting or answering questions.
          Just post on my wall and give me a bit of time to respond. Notifications, unfortunately, are still pretty wonky. :-/
          Okay, then. This week's chapter of ✨The Otherworlders✨ is live! This chapter is: 
          ✳️"S2-Ep. 5.15 - You Have to Know Your Limits"✳️

          ~ Paula ❤️