
This is a friendly reminder that authors can SEE WHAT READING LIST YOU ADD THEIR FICS TO.


What happened to Ghost proticol?


@JessicaWoodson2 wow found this fast haha usually I never check these; right, so, GP is one of several fics that I've decided to just... completely redo. Besides personal style changing, it just did not have the level of planning I felt was necessary. Therefore, it is currently living in a google doc with just a plot outline. Keeping up with weekly updates really destroyed my ability to keep up with my plot, and NOT publishing weekly meant it would end up abandoned. In the end, it, along with others, such as Legends Never Die had to be discontinued until such a time where I felt that I had a significant enough amount of writing done that I felt I could confidently begin posting again. 
            I hope this answered your questions, and if not, feel free to DM me, or drop an ask on my tumblr (same handle). I really don't mind talking about this stuff, especially since I know what it's like for a favorite fic to get dropped, but I'm really just NOT on Wattpad as much as I was, and I don't check here often enough that I feel confident I'll see your other questions. I definitely recommend going to my tumblr since that's where I am a lot of the time right now. I'm mainly a DC/DP blog, so you'll be in good company! I hope this helps!


As somebody that has seen your personality through several comments on DP fanfics, I shall say that ✨ I like your  s t y l e. ✨


Also I’m a fan of your writings :)


This is a friendly reminder that authors can SEE WHAT READING LIST YOU ADD THEIR FICS TO.


LOOK. If you want me to see something or answer your burning questions, HERE AIN'T IT. Speedier methods include commenting on whatever you have questions about IN THE BOOK (the fastest method), DMing me (decent. Some wait time) or MAYBE my Tumblr (same username and pfp).


Hi! What’s your status on Legends Never Die?
          Hope you have a nice day!


@ConfusingBookLady LND has become a bit of a Sisyphus' Task for me, to be completely honest (which, to be fair, I knew it was going to be, I just ignored it. Like I do most things). It's hit the point where it's a cycle and I have so little feedback that I honestly don't know how much people would care(?) if I go so far as change when the story is taking place, so on and so forth. At this point, I'll probably just start posting updates on Tumblr, on which I use the same username. And no tags. 
            Anyway, I'm SUPER sorry I didn't see this sooner! If you have any other questions though, this probably isn't the place if you want a speedy answer. I think I check this thing once a year(?). If you want my attention, you're much better off leaving a comment or DMing me. Commenting is probably faster, but PLEASE do not post questions about [STATUS OF THE STORY] outside of [STATUS OF THE STORY]. I tend to be bad at remembering things. As it is, I tend to go back and reread what I posted everything someone comments on it. Other than that, ig you could tag me on Tumblr?? Idk, I'm still learning how it works. Wattpad was technically my first social media lmao. I'm v resistant to change.


My mom: That’s cheating 
          Me: Mom, I thought you knew
          Me: It’s only cheating if you get caught


@accio_RocketsHeart glad we’re on the same page on this whole “cheating” thing 


@plotwholls i love this with all my heart