
I got chosen to host an event for the Rainbow Bookclub, so I created a quiz to show people what companion they'd get if they lived in the world of Quit Bugging Me! I had to keep options fairly limited to keep myself from going completely bonkers making this thing, so I used 10 different types of companion shown in both Quit Bugging Me and The Bee's Knee's.
          	Sound fun? Check out the link and tell me what you get!
          	For those curious, I got termites! That makes a lot of sense since I think Mason and I have a lot in common.


@sandydragon1 i got black bear. for the fry question, i dont like fries so i just assumed it was some other food i like XD


@sandydragon1 Black Bear.  This was fun to take and find out the results. Thank you for making this.


@sandydragon1 I got a ferret. It was so fun!


I got chosen to host an event for the Rainbow Bookclub, so I created a quiz to show people what companion they'd get if they lived in the world of Quit Bugging Me! I had to keep options fairly limited to keep myself from going completely bonkers making this thing, so I used 10 different types of companion shown in both Quit Bugging Me and The Bee's Knee's.
          Sound fun? Check out the link and tell me what you get!

          For those curious, I got termites! That makes a lot of sense since I think Mason and I have a lot in common.


@sandydragon1 i got black bear. for the fry question, i dont like fries so i just assumed it was some other food i like XD


@sandydragon1 Black Bear.  This was fun to take and find out the results. Thank you for making this.


@sandydragon1 I got a ferret. It was so fun!


Jasper may be off the boat, but he’s far from out of a very uncomfortable situation in this week’s chapter of The Selkie’s Alpha.

          Thank you all so much for helping Rat Song hit 1K votes this week! The Taste of Home also hit 40K reads, so it looks like I’m on a roll.


This week's chapter of The Selkie's Alpha is one of the rare occasions I'm a bit jealous of my characters since they get to enjoy a nice glass bottom boat tour. At least, I'm jealous of all of them except for the one character who inherited my tendency to get seasick way too easily LOL! 


@Reynasweetpea I swear even thinking about being on the water can make me queasy lol! Medicine does help though


@sandydragon1 I think glass bottom boats are amazing.  Sorry to hear you get seasick.  I think just about anyone who has been on a boat has gotten seasick one time or another.


Looking for a cute mxm romance? Check out Tides of the Heart by @OwlieCat, an amazingly well written new adult romance between a geology student and his professor's son! I just about screamed when I saw a sizable part of this story takes place at an internship at a paleontological dig site, so as you can imagine, I've been absolutely devouring this story <3


@sandydragon1 Happy Birthday  
            I hope your day is absolutely amazing just like you are.❤️


@sandydragon1 - Pride and Paleontology! (sorry, couldn't resist) This sounds utterly AWESOME, and I am going to put this in one of my more urgent overflowing TBR stacks, so as soon as I'm done with my contest reading, it'll be one of the first books I tackle.


Happy Friday, everyone! A handful of announcements today:
          1. Chapter 4 of The Selkie's Alpha is up! Jasper is absolutely exhausted after meeting with the other Alphas, but now that a certain someone is brining him a present, things might just start looking up for him <3
          2. The rules for this years Wattys are live! I've been going back and forth a bit about how many stories I want to enter, but at the moment I think I'll be entering 3 stories (The Bee's Knees, Rat Song, and The Selkie's Alpha). It's entirely possible that might change depending on how heavily I'll be able to polish my loglines and synopses before the deadline, but we'll see.
          3. I took all of next week off work since my birthday is on Wednesday. I have no idea if this means I'll be around a lot more since I'll have more free time or a lot less since I know my mom has a lot of stuff planned to spoil me rotten, but in any case, the next chapter of The Selkie's Alpha will be up at the usual time (6 AM EST next Friday).
          How many of y'all are planning to enter the Wattys this year?


@Squ1dy80 thanks, and no worries! You’re right on time


@sandydragon1 Happy birthday, sorry its a bit late. 


Happy Friday, everyone! In this week's chapter of The Selkie's Alpha, we get to meet Jasper's fiancée and her father. The former grew on me a surprising amount while I was writing this story, so I'm extremely curious to see what you all think of her.

          Huge thanks to everyone who's been reading The Taste of Home! It's been number 1 in the #asexual tag for a few days now, and it's been ranking pretty well in #paranormal too. It's absolutely wonderful to see so many of you enjoying that story <3