
I just woke up to the most terrible news that Her Majesty The Queen has passed away. 
          	My heart and prayers goes to members of the Royal Family and her loved ones during these trying times. 
          	Long live the King 


          Just read the last chapter on The life of Victoria and it’s Honestly one of the best written books about Royals and Romance I have ever read, and one of the best books written on Wattpad period.
          Would love to read more books from you! Love your writing style! 


I just woke up to the most terrible news that Her Majesty The Queen has passed away. 
          My heart and prayers goes to members of the Royal Family and her loved ones during these trying times. 
          Long live the King 


Hello dear readers of mine, I've been thinking alot these past few days about my two books and kind of the direction I want to take them moving forward. 
          I have to be honest with you guys, I've ran out of inspiration for one of my books, I absolutely have no idea what to write and how I want to portray my character. This book that I'm talking about is The Windsors. It was my first book I have every published and honestly, it was my baby. I started writing that book back in 2019 when I was still in Uni. 
          Honestly, I realise that I was really harsh on Meghan in that book and I was milking on that, which is quite a toxic thing to do; to my mental health and to my readers. I received quite a lot of criticism in that book and to be frank, quite a lot of hate as well. I got comments and messages sayign that I needed help (even though it is fiction and in no way portray her in real life or any of them actually) and I fell out of love with that book. It became quite the chore to continue writing and I lost inspiration. 
          Then I started my next book, Life of Victoria, and I fell in love once again. I have all my background checks and my character development in check. I knew what I want Victoria to be and how she's portrayed. I wanted her to be the backbone of the family and the one who kept it all together. I started this book in 2020 and I have many things in store for her (at least 3 more parts). 
          I'm happy with how my character has developed over the chapters and her growth, focusing on her relationship with her husband, her brothers and her family. 
          I've been thinking about this for the past few days and decided that I will be taking down The Windsors. I'm not happy with the book, and I'm not happy with how the story is progressing. It's very hateful, I'm not happy with how Eleanor is as a character, eventhough I'm trying to rewrite the whole book and have her less of a bully, I'm completely stuck. 
          xoxo, soph <3


The Windsors will always be your baby in a way. It also one of my favorite royal ff books. I loved James and Eleanor and their little family. 
            I would understand the hate that you get just because the way you showed Meghan. But haters going to be haters they have to understand that this fantasy it’s not real anyone could portrait any person however they like in their book because it’s theirs. In some royal ff Kate is evil and mean but we all know she a sweetheart in real life. They take these book way to serious. But just keep in mind that everything that Meghan had said has been a lie and has evidence or proof however you want to see it as of the exact  opposite of what she says. Meghan is truly a bully to  her own staff and let’s not forget she bully Princess Charlotte who was 3 years old at that time but twisted that it was Kate and for a minute there Kate got so much hate and death threats for it. (2)Meghan spend way too much money on clothes and jewelry than any royal out there (there proof) she did so little for her husband family to end up backstabbing them in the end. (Just for Fame and Money) She steels the spotlight on other royals because she jealous the attention they get while in return she gets so little. But I understand if you don’t want to re-continue this book. I am going to miss it tho. I also love Victoria and Henry. Hope you take care of your mental health and yourself. 
            People will always have something to say about anything you do. Not everyone is going to like what you write or how you do things but as long as  you like it then nothing matters. 
            - C 


Do you have to delete it tho? 
            I kinda like The Windsors as it already is (not being biased)
            Just liked some drama within the royal fam and the “new girl” being the evil witch is honestly new 