
Hi, Dalgis! I'm so sorry it's taking me a little longer to get the next chapter of "Sacrifice" posted. A lot has happened these past few weeks - I lost my dog and my grandmother all less than 2 weeks apart, so I needed to take some time to step away from everything to process. (Not to mention the emotional rollercoaster I was on even just going to the TXT concert in LA.) 
          	Fortunately, I'm doing a lot better now, though the grief still hits me in waves. My family and I have been extremely busy planning for the memorial service and just getting everything in order, so I have not found the time to sit down to draft at all. On top of that, I'm also wrapping up the final few weeks of my masters program so I'm really scrambling to finish all my big projects in time. 
          	With that being said, now that I'm slowly falling back into a regular routine, I'll try to chip away at the next chapter bit by bit. I have an idea of how I want the chapter to turn out - it's just a matter of getting my idea typed up, lol. 
          	Thank you so much for your constant understanding and support. I'm so incredibly lucky to have such amazing readers like you. I hope you're staying safe, happy, and healthy!
          	Much love,
          	Strawberheecake ❤️


@strawberheecake :D lets continue being strong and happy!!


@strawberheecake i am so sorry for your loss!! i completely understand that it might take longer for more chapters and that is completely alright. may your grandmother and your dog rest in peace.


@saikripa123 Thank you! I'm definitely feeling a lot more like myself now that it's been a little over a week ❤️


Hi, Dalgis! I'm so sorry it's taking me a little longer to get the next chapter of "Sacrifice" posted. A lot has happened these past few weeks - I lost my dog and my grandmother all less than 2 weeks apart, so I needed to take some time to step away from everything to process. (Not to mention the emotional rollercoaster I was on even just going to the TXT concert in LA.) 
          Fortunately, I'm doing a lot better now, though the grief still hits me in waves. My family and I have been extremely busy planning for the memorial service and just getting everything in order, so I have not found the time to sit down to draft at all. On top of that, I'm also wrapping up the final few weeks of my masters program so I'm really scrambling to finish all my big projects in time. 
          With that being said, now that I'm slowly falling back into a regular routine, I'll try to chip away at the next chapter bit by bit. I have an idea of how I want the chapter to turn out - it's just a matter of getting my idea typed up, lol. 
          Thank you so much for your constant understanding and support. I'm so incredibly lucky to have such amazing readers like you. I hope you're staying safe, happy, and healthy!
          Much love,
          Strawberheecake ❤️


@strawberheecake :D lets continue being strong and happy!!


@strawberheecake i am so sorry for your loss!! i completely understand that it might take longer for more chapters and that is completely alright. may your grandmother and your dog rest in peace.


@saikripa123 Thank you! I'm definitely feeling a lot more like myself now that it's been a little over a week ❤️




@chanel_nini OMG HI!! I missed you so much as well :(( I hope you've been doing well and staying healthy. 
            Hehe, I'd love to stay in touch as well. Feel free to chat me up whenever you want. I'll forever enjoy our talks ❤️❤️


I seldom open this orange app and when I do its mostly just to check in on the friends I made here to see how they're doing, really (including you ofc)


I missed you so freaking much what the ef :( ill always be here to support you even if I'm not that active on wp anymore, and i'd love to stay in touch with you


Did you archived Klokagathia ? Cause I was re-reading it but can't anymore there is some problem 


@Ot7struggle Hi! I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing a problem but I did not archive Kalokagathia. When I check my profile, I'm still able to see that it's published. Perhaps you could try troubleshooting your Wattpad application?


No I can still read sooo 


My finals are tomorrow and here I am reading hybe-topia and chaconne and sacrifice from the first .....
          Ahhhh I'm doomed


@saikripa123 Omg I'm a bit late but good luck! I hope your finals went well. Lol it's ok, I always do that to myself as well - get distracted when I should be focusing on something more pressing. I just see it as taking a "small break" from all the stresses ;)