
Introducing ‘Drinking His Lies’ Tom’s prequel! 


Heyyyy omg it’s been a while :( I kinda wanna explain myself for being inactive but since my discord account is bugging I’ll just say this here, feel free to let the people in the server know so they don’t worry about me or think I don’t like them anymore- truth is I really really regret not being active. I loved being part of the fandom as the chapters released, being part of the hype. I felt like it was such a fun little community. But I got busy and drifted apart and I kinda lost interest in fanfictions for a bit. And now I feel like it’s too late. I don’t have time to read the entire fic + all the prequels and stuff you’ve made since. But I really want to since I legitimately adore your writing. But I also feel like at this rate you guys have kinda moved on from me? Not because of anything you guys did, I’m just always paranoid about that kind of stuff. But truth is I wish I’d stayed active and stuff because I really miss you guys, but my discord account keeps bugging and I’m constantly losing the login information for it, and I won’t have time to catch up. So I just want you guys to know that I never intended to leave you guys and that I’m not mad at you or anything. You’re still some of my favorite people on the internet and me not being active has nothing to do with anything any of you did, you were great friends. I also was afraid to log in for a while because of some toxic and weird people I’d befriended which I won’t elaborate on too much, but I wanted to distance myself from that account and by the time I decided I was ready to come back to talk to you guys I’d lost my log in again. And this has happened twice now lmao.
          Sorry for rambling and stuff. I just really had to get this off my chest bc I feel super guilty. Idk if any of this makes sense? But I still really admire you and your writing and everyone else on the server. And I’m really sorry for just randomly abandoning you guys. I regret it sm, I feel like I’ve thrown away so much tbh


But it says everyone left the arson family chat :(


@sun_ve I actually managed to log into my old account but it says I’m not in any servers, but I’m in the arson family group chat? So idk


@Ihavetopissrn ahhh I’d rather not get into it here on my convo page, but dw everything’s all fine ^^ just lemme know whenever u make ur acc and I’ll drop the link :3 


Introducing…! “What was lost and what was found”! Rivers prequel! I’ve decided to post chapters as soon as I finish them. 
          I’m going to be switching off every week on whose prequel I will be doing..! Next week you’ll see Toms! Tom’s is called “Drinking His Lies”
          This week is River week everyone! Stay tuned for Tom week next week!


River Prequel Preview:
          Born in a family whose religion influences wild magic, celebrates it, and embraces it for what it is. But when Belos becomes more serious about spreading the word of the potential dangers of wild magic, it causes the witches of the isles to turn and look at River and his family as potential threats. Rivers 2 good friends, once a part of his religion, drift apart from him, don’t seem to want to partake in any friendship with him anymore. How does River deal with the loss of his friends? The bullying his once so called friends give him. His mom pulling him out of the school they went to together in their childhood due to the harassment. But what happens when he sees those same 2 friends in high school again? What do they think of him? How do they treat him after seeing him again? How does River deal with them and the other things he faces in highschool? And then what led River to get into the healing wing at the emperors coven? To meet a funny girl in the construction wing visiting him at the healing wing almost every week. What’s her story? What happens when River seems to catch these feelings for her, that cause him to have all this self doubt. Why would anyone like him? It’s not like anyone in high school found him interesting? Everyone’s always hated him. She’s different than them, but how’s he gonna process the fact she is different than them?






Tom Prequel Preview:
          What was Toms life like his time as golden guard? Tom, the happy, bubbly, comedic character, goes more into depth of he who was once the stone cold, stoic, apathetic golden guard. Did he truly enjoy his time as golden guard? His time studying, training, did he really enjoy it? Or did he much rather like spending time in his bedroom reading about different wild creatures, and building things for fun during his free time. What happens when his performance as golden guard begins to fall apart due to his lack of interest in training and missions? “There has to be more to life than this” is what Tom thinks. When all of a sudden a boy his age suddenly gets paired with him without reason to indulge in his home schooled studies with him. Curious of eachother Tom and the boy speak, and form an interesting friendship. Tom’s friendship with the boy promotes him to work harder, finally bettering his performance as golden guard. However throughout his missions a sense of unhappiness goes through him, unhappy and angry over his profession. His performance as golden guard keeps falling drastically once more.
          Tom goes to his friend,
          “I can’t be golden guard! I’m not good at it! No matter how hard I try I can never please Belos with my missions! How am I supposed to be good at this?!” Tom exclaims.
          “Hm.” His friend raises an eyebrow.
          “What?” Tom asks.
          “I may have something that can help you.” His friend smiles.


this message may be offensive
This shit sounds interesting ima read it


Hey HGS fans……
          Should I make the Tom and River prequel all one story or separate Tom and Rivers backstories into 2 books??? I have both of their story summaries completed, I’m just thinking how imma format this. 
          The thing is, I feel Tom is a fan favorite but I rlly want others to give River some love too so I feel if I seperate the two stories into two books River won’t get as much love.
          But I also want to seperate them because I feel it would be confusing. I was gonna do a pattern like the first 2 chapters are Tom and then the next 2 chapters are River and it continues on as a pattern.
          What do you guys think? (If there are any HGS fans still alive out there… idk if there is…(°_°) )


Separating them is a good idea, but i the thought of one of the books not having much love is unfair since river is hated for no reason 


HGS FINALE IS HERE!!!! 68!!! I uploaded some bonus drawings and more!!! And my next plans!!!! 
          Thank you all so much for reading this book it was really fun and a lot of you inspired me to add new things to this story to come to the final conclusion for how this story will become.  
          I love you guys. Thanks for sticking with me through writing this, you all make my day <3


HI EVERYPONY, chapter 66 is hereeee


how do you write like you’re running out of time? /ref