
I've decided to keep Dark Secrets up in its entirety after all. I'm going to continue to edit the story, and I'll probably add what draft the story is in into the description. In the meantime, enjoy~!


Hi! I really loved reading your story so far “the lost light.”
          It’s so descriptive and full of great plot! I’m so invested I can’t wait to read more!
          If you would like to support me in return, please check out my new story “The Surgeon’s Secret.” I would love to hear feedback from a talented writer such as you!


Hey there! It's been a while, but I have exciting news!
          My poetry collection GLOOMY EVENTIDE is going through changes, and I will be self-publishing it on March 3rd! 
          The title of the collection will be called REBIRTH, which- in my opinion- makes more sense for the overarching "theme" of the poems. I will keep some of them up on here as samples for people to read and decide whether they want to buy the whole collection or not.
          You can pre-order REBIRTH at the links below. Stay tuned~!
          Apple Books: