
Hey guys! The Fiction Awards 2020 is open for nominations and I would really love if you guys could nominate How He Fell and different aspects of the book for the awards! All the information is in a newly published chapter in How He Fell! Please take the time to nominate it would make my day!
          	Stay safe! 
          	~ Shay 


@sxreya Hey I have a new book out, called No Choices. I would love if you look at it!!! Enjoy


@sxreya  Done!
          	   could you do me a favour? I would be forever grateful if you could comment '+1' against my book Rise of the Earth's Aboriginals in the Science Fiction category. Please it would really mean a lot to me.
          	  Here is the link:
          	  If this link doesn't work, pls check my bio.
          	  I can understand if you don't want to do, anyways have a great day!


hey beautiful. i finally finished reading "How He Fell" and I really loved it so far I mean it’s my first read on Wattpad and it was just worth the time. And here you kinda inspired me to spread my poetry too on this app, so I wrote PAROXYSM which is now ranked as #3 in teenpoetry category. I wish u receive this message and give it a try and some support. Love <3


Greeting, I’m Mystic and I host a book podcast and I would love to post a review of you novel as an episode within my podcast. I am currently looking to new material and fresh new works of art to display on the podcast called Mystical Mode. Also if you wouldn’t mind I would like to do a separate episode or bonus feature with a small interview from with you on the podcast.  I want to hear a little bit about you writing experience and more if your willing to share.