
“Between Reel and Reality” is technically completed. The only thing left is the Epilogue. Please take the following anonymous survey if you’re a reader of the story. 
          	It asks about five questions. It should only take a few seconds or minutes, depending on how detailed you wish to be. The last two questions ask you if you wish to ask Cierre, Amel, or any other character a question. If you do, they will answer it after the Epilogue (which I’m aiming to upload next Saturday, possibly earlier, so don’t hesitate!). I also ask if you have any requests for any additional scenes or scenarios for “Between Reel and Reality.” If you do, then those requests may be answered and posted on Taylen’s Universe.
          	Subscribe for free. We just hit 100!: https://taylensuniverse.substack.com/
          	If you read “Eternal Fantasies” and are not subscribed to Taylen’s Universe, you missed important news. I am no longer updating the story weekly. It is now updated “whenever I get the time.” It’s not discontinued, and I am working on the next chapter tomorrow. Updates will just be less frequent. It has nothing to do with y’all. I’m just trying to focus on my goals. I’ll be a published author sooner rather than later if I compartmentalize. Writing two books for free on Wattpad while trying to edit one for publishing off of Wattpad while writing short stories for Taylen's Universe ain’t cutting it. So, yeah, I apologize for any inconvenience, but I'm not a robot. I doubt y'all expect me to be one, but I expect myself to be one sometimes. lmfao. So, I'm basically putting myself in timeout and focusing on what's most important. Which is publishing a book to the world (not just Wattpad) since that's my dream.
          	Thank you for your love and support. It means to world to me.
          	Taylen (he/him)


“Between Reel and Reality” is technically completed. The only thing left is the Epilogue. Please take the following anonymous survey if you’re a reader of the story. 
          It asks about five questions. It should only take a few seconds or minutes, depending on how detailed you wish to be. The last two questions ask you if you wish to ask Cierre, Amel, or any other character a question. If you do, they will answer it after the Epilogue (which I’m aiming to upload next Saturday, possibly earlier, so don’t hesitate!). I also ask if you have any requests for any additional scenes or scenarios for “Between Reel and Reality.” If you do, then those requests may be answered and posted on Taylen’s Universe.
          Subscribe for free. We just hit 100!: https://taylensuniverse.substack.com/
          If you read “Eternal Fantasies” and are not subscribed to Taylen’s Universe, you missed important news. I am no longer updating the story weekly. It is now updated “whenever I get the time.” It’s not discontinued, and I am working on the next chapter tomorrow. Updates will just be less frequent. It has nothing to do with y’all. I’m just trying to focus on my goals. I’ll be a published author sooner rather than later if I compartmentalize. Writing two books for free on Wattpad while trying to edit one for publishing off of Wattpad while writing short stories for Taylen's Universe ain’t cutting it. So, yeah, I apologize for any inconvenience, but I'm not a robot. I doubt y'all expect me to be one, but I expect myself to be one sometimes. lmfao. So, I'm basically putting myself in timeout and focusing on what's most important. Which is publishing a book to the world (not just Wattpad) since that's my dream.
          Thank you for your love and support. It means to world to me.
          Taylen (he/him)


this message may be offensive
A new lesbian short story just dropped, only on Substack. If you're one of my active readers who's always in the loop, I'm so sorry I'm aggravating you with these notifications. Lmfao.
          "Faith and Fortune" is my favorite short story and, in my opinion, one of my best works. Here's a sample.
          Jozzi, a struggling writer recently laid off from her “real” job, needs a win. She just might find one at a Juneteeth Pride party.
          Vibe: Humorous, cozy, uplifting, flirty
          Content Warnings: Explicit language, depictions of sex, brief mentions of depression
          Word Count: 5,898
          DJ Toppa’s voice crackles over the speakers, cutting through the rooftop’s pulsating beat. "This song is dedicated to the sista at the bar, shouting on the phone with her man!" he broadcasts. His statement echoes, mocking my predicament. The sun shines harder, its rays illuminating me. It’s a spotlight of shame, notifying everyone I’m the b-tch stinking up the queer function with my relationship issues. Atlanta’s humidity suffocates me more than ever. 
          DJ Toppa drops the beat to “FNF” by Glorilla while pointing at me. The aggressive harmony ambushes the dancery, inducing a mix of cheers and laughter.
          I’m not arguing with a man or a woman. On the other line is a non-binary, septum-pierced dreadlocked h-e named Jax, and they have me fucked up. While I down a shot of Hennessy, they continuously complain about my lack of respect for our “partnership.” Apparently, I didn’t read over the rulebook of our fling. Jax can have a h-e rotation bigger than an NFL team, but I must remain a saint in these streets.
          They’re doing a lot of rah-rah, and I haven’t even f-cked anyone else; yet.
          Finish the romance-comedy here and subscribe to Taylen's Universe for more exclusive, free content:


@mxtches yes I changed my name. I was once wildteen then notstr8. I went under pen names like Jax savage. But recently started publishing under my name, Taylen King


did you change your username? i recognize ur stories but not the name. at all.


Upcoming schedule:
          (I never do this, but just want to make sure everyone knows what’s going on)
          Eternal Fantasies (I’m writing that today, so it will be uploaded anywhere between today and tomorrow)(Thank y'all for the patience!)
          Between Reel and Reality (Likely Monday or Tuesday)
          Make sure you subscribe to Taylen’s Universe (once called King’s Palace Fiction) AND download the Substack app. I'll start posting chats to interact about current, new, and older works, and other interesting topics to keep y’all entertained between chapters. 
          If I imported you from the old Beehiiv platform, still physically subscribe to make sure you're getting all updates. It says I technically have like six subscribers but it's way more than that. Just to be on the safe side: 
           Create Substack account
           Download the app
           Subscribe to Taylen’s Universe (publication). My username is taylenjaceking (you can follow that as well bc I might write additional posts not under TU)
          Once you do this, you can DM me: requests, opinions, thoughts, anything. (Wattpad is closing DMs so this would be the easiest way to reach me. And I barely check Wattpad DM’s anyway bc the interface is ugly lmfaoo. No shade Wattpad if you're reading )
          You can also participate in chats and receive more content once you properly subscribe.
          My first official Taylen’s Universe post will be later this week. I’m applying to actual real jobs rn, so my time has been thin. Posts will likely be in the format of review + short story. For example, when Kehlani drops her album, I will likely review it, and then write short stories for my favorite songs. So, yeah, that's what you can expect, all forms of my writing skills. Every part of Taylen. Taylen’s Universe.
          Thank you all for the support. 


@PaleLinkin Oh wowww, thank you so much. That really means a lot to me. I’m honored that you enjoy my work!


I’ve been on wattpad for a couple of years now and you have the best stories. I never liked reading in school but these stories never bore me. You’re vocabulary is extraordinary as well as the plot lines. You also give voices to a lot of underrepresented groups. Thanks chief!


Just noticed the link didn't post. Y'all please come over here to Taylen's  Universe. I don't know who reads my posts on Wattpad, like there's no way to track if y'all even seeing this fr. LMFAO. I'm analytic person, so please. https://taylensuniverse.substack.com/


The updated covers look amazing 


@taylenking LOL it’s all good, I don’t know why emojis don’t work sometimes on this app


There was supposed to be a heart emoji there lmfao <3


Thank you  I caught the spirit yesterday 


Hi I am new here I just wanted to ask, which book is the sequel to A1? I dont wanna start reading a new book. I wanna finish the series. Please help. TIA❤️


@taylenking I thought you said theres going to be book 2,we love A1 man 


@bitchofkehlani Awww, I'm so sorry, but A1 never got a sequel. :(


Yall  see Victoria finally got her flowers?!


@taylenking no literallyyy I thought the day would be longer to comee 


Oh I am OVERJOYED. I’ve loved her for so long and it’s been so awarding to see her have her moment