
Craziest thing happened. I got logged and it wouldn’t let me back in. Anyway I’m back  it was only like 2 days and I’m really behind on updating but idk what to write.


Hi! I've read your book "Our Little Secret" and I absolutely love it! That's why, I'm asking, can I translate it to Polish? I'll add an information, that it's your book and I'm just translating it.  Ofc I'll understand, if you don't give me a permission to translate, but I think, that many Polish readers will enjoy your story :)


For your current story maybe you make them leave each other and in lamine has a crush on her so she is going to date him to make mark jealous 


Love this idea but idek why or what I’d make them break up for 


Love this idea but idek why or what I’d make them break up for 