
It's been a while since I've updated so here is the update. The new thing I tried to do with my business to generate sales did not generate sales but resulted in losses. Basically, I started to sell my stuff at conventions. I was really down, especially at the first one, but all the other vendors said it wasn't usually like that and that all of their sales were down so I do think I will keep trying conventions, but in the meantime, I have used up most of my money and took losses and so I am going to have to take on another job to supplement my income. I have the next chapter partially written but trying to work through the stress of day to day life and trying to figure out what I'm going to do to generate money and taking steps to do that has taken up a lot of my time and mental energy. I don't know when I'll have this next chapter up. I was hoping to have it up weeks ago and that just didn't happen. 
          	So, don't give up on me quite yet. I am still writing, just a little bit at a time as I navigate life, so it's not going to be consistent.


@vixxonelkrhoh I will always be waiting here. Take your time. But, don't forget to take care of yourself. Everything will be alright one day.


Wattpad is increasing the age of consent in stories to 18+ (from 16) on April 15. They are also using AI for content moderation.
          Additionally, this is a good time to ensure that stories are saved somewhere outside of Wattpad. 
          Just wanted to provide this information, even if it has no direct impact.
          For more information, see or the mega-thread on the Wattpad subreddit.


Hope you’re alright :)


I hope things start looking up for you soon and there’s no need to apologise for not updating anything, focus on yourself and your wellbeing first                     lots of love <3


@Spo0ki3  Thank you. I'm alright. I'm just really busy trying to stay afloat financially. I've had to take on a couple of different part time jobs just to make ends meet. I'm hoping things will ease up soon and I'll have time for writing again. I'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated anything. Thank you for thinking of me.


It's been a while since I've updated so here is the update. The new thing I tried to do with my business to generate sales did not generate sales but resulted in losses. Basically, I started to sell my stuff at conventions. I was really down, especially at the first one, but all the other vendors said it wasn't usually like that and that all of their sales were down so I do think I will keep trying conventions, but in the meantime, I have used up most of my money and took losses and so I am going to have to take on another job to supplement my income. I have the next chapter partially written but trying to work through the stress of day to day life and trying to figure out what I'm going to do to generate money and taking steps to do that has taken up a lot of my time and mental energy. I don't know when I'll have this next chapter up. I was hoping to have it up weeks ago and that just didn't happen. 
          So, don't give up on me quite yet. I am still writing, just a little bit at a time as I navigate life, so it's not going to be consistent.


@vixxonelkrhoh I will always be waiting here. Take your time. But, don't forget to take care of yourself. Everything will be alright one day.


To give another update on my life, you may or may not know I run my own online business. In this economy, sales have gone way down and it has become difficult to support myself now. I'm venturing the business out in new directions hope to pick sales back up but that is going to take up most of my time in the next few months so I won't have time to write. This drop in sales and stress about money has probably contributed a lot to my lack of motivation to write. Hopefully these new ventures will work out and then I will have time to write again.


            I hope everything works out for you,so that you're less stressed. 


I wish you the best of luck and wealth. Thank you for sharing❤️


Sorry it's been so long since I've posted a new chapter. I haven't had any motivation to write. I'm trying to get back into it but every day I'm like, "I don't want to. I'll do it tomorrow." and then it doesn't happen.


@vixxonelkrhoh You're welcome author. Have strength 


@ElizabethDelgado19 Thank you for your kind words. It means a lot to me.


@vixxonelkrhoh Hello author,  hope you are doing fine. As much as I wish and hope for you to continue writing, it is okay to take some time away from it if you don't feel like writing. But I need to say that your works are amazing. "The Driving Force to Love" is one of my all time top favourites. The way you depicted every single emotion and the reality in it feels beautiful. I am planning on reading "Where to find love" and later complete all books of yours. Hope to see you soon within this sphere of writing and take care.


Just want to say I love you all. I'm not sure when I'll be able to update again. It might not be until after Christmas.


@teebaby0 Thank you. Merry Christmas to you as well.


@vixxonelkrhoh that's alright. Take all the time you need. Merry Christmas in advance 


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've had a lot going on in my personal life. Not necessarily anything bad, just a lot that has needed my attention. I'm hoping that will die down in a week or two.


@vixxonelkrhoh I'm so excited for the next chapter I'm in love with Dean and chet and Vincent 


Graphic warning for a real life experience I just had regarding a chicken and a rat.
          I just caught one of my chickens eating the face off a dead rat and now I'm traumatized. I took the rat away from the chicken using doggy poop bags, but that was something I could have gone my entire life without seeing. At least we don't have a rat running in our yard.