
Well you wonderful people get me and my writing brain all day today! I was originally gonna have plans and m little sister was going to white water [a water park in our area] with a family friend but my dad left for work [he rides the tracks to make sure they're safe] due to flash floods. He text me my  mom and said we couldn't leave the neighborhood because the creek has overflowed into the road. It's really rare and has only happened once the entire time that the bridge has been there. The creek is very dangerous so we're stuck at home today!


Well you wonderful people get me and my writing brain all day today! I was originally gonna have plans and m little sister was going to white water [a water park in our area] with a family friend but my dad left for work [he rides the tracks to make sure they're safe] due to flash floods. He text me my  mom and said we couldn't leave the neighborhood because the creek has overflowed into the road. It's really rare and has only happened once the entire time that the bridge has been there. The creek is very dangerous so we're stuck at home today!


Okay y'all. I just finished writing the second Fallen Angel book. But I've got to sign off and head to bed. I might be able to get some uploaded tomorrow but I'm going to my best friends till Sunday afternoon. The rest will be updated when I get back and Monday. Sleep well my dears!


Hi sugarcube, how are you?


@ writingaint_writing  <3


@ writingaint_writing  ❤


Hey! :)
          I am going to publish my first story in a few days, an adventure called DD's based on drug barons and secret agents. You can follow me and read the prologue if you are interested, as any feedback is welcome!
          Thank you :)!


@ZoeTs07 yeah ofc! I'll be sure to check it out when I get a chance


Currently working on Fallen Angel and I just started on Chapter 13 of the Titans Curse. I'm not ready to kill Bianca off yet, I don't wanna handle that yet. Also i'm hoping to get Fallen Angel done in the next week or so?