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"Sorry for the wait" Marie finally finished getting ready and walk in to the tense room his parents have their's eyes on me the whole time Marie was gone

"Well this is..umm something" Marie was barely able to speak "look I'm very sorry mother, father-"

"What are you talking about this is wonderful! I can't believe you've made a friend and she's from the van Richardson family no that!" His father laughed hole heartedly

"Yes this is quite wonderful, we were quite worried about you when you finally woke up from your accident but it seem it was all fine" his mother smiled

"W-wait so you guys aren't mad at me or Rebecca!?" Marie was sceptical

"Dear did you hear that Marie even called the famous van Richardson first daughter by name with out title" Marie's mother was at the brim of tears

"Uh-uh then if I may ask why did you um stare at me like you were going to kill me?" I ask

"Oh that!? That because we were quite shocked that's all!" Her father laughed and Marie's mother nodded along

"Well that is a relief!" I smiled

"Well anyway me and Rebecca are gonna go to town for a bit"

"Hmmm sure honey" they both agreed...

And so we were off with out any all... wait a minute how are Marie's parents so calm about all this!? I mean they didn't even ask how I got into their house and into Marie's room without the guards noticing and to note they are letting 6 years old noble girls run around town without guards!

"M-Marie did you brain wash your parents?" I asked nervously she turns around her eyes gloom

"...what if I did..." my whole body shivers. the dark auras Marie was showing was terrifying

"D-d-did you r-really Marie?..."
"Ahahahahahaha of course not silly! The Haceney family have always been like that. After all, for generations their children have always been peculiar so it totally normal~" Marie turn back and smiled

"W-wow really!? You scared me there!" Phew I thought I was gonna die just now ahaha...

"Anyway why did we come into town again?" I ask

"Geeez! don't you remember we have to come up with a plan to spy on grad and Krain!" Marie shouted

"Ah righttt, well first we have to write down all we know about them. Like they're back stories!"

"Ok, well I know that krain was once from a noble family from a different country. But his family got destroyed when he was young and he was caught by slave traders. He got sold to some high class noble who torture him all day long but one day her royal highness found out about all this. And the salves trading business was destroyed and everyone who was involved got punished. Krain was saved and spends his days in the royal castle. Living and learning with the prince.

One day The Queen summoned the head of the magic tower for business. While krain was walking around they crossed path. The old wizard sense great magic from krain. So krain got adopted by him and studied under the old magician" we were talking and walking until I suggested to sit under the tree ahead of us, she agreed

"Yep and for grad. As you know he is the only son of the minister right hand man of the Queen he was born through an affair. The minister had no wives of his own so he was very care free. One day he had too much to drink and slept with some women he did not know. of course it was only a one night stand so he didn't think much of it till one day. The same women came running to him saying he got her pregnant. The affair of the minister was quite well known everyone knew about it. he took responsibility and took her and the child in but since the minister was really popular with the ladies and when I say really popular I mean really Reeeally popular, all women wanted him. With popularity come with jealousy his first wife was killed a few weeks after grad was born. Even though the minister was not in love with his wife, it still felt as though he has lost a friend. which he could not forgive he investigated the whole incident with the Queen's help. Since  the Queen herself was not too pleased with this incident either. The both of them brought the crime to light turns out the minister's wife was murdered by one of the minister long fan. to be precise a stalker. Grad's mother was poison by a maid who was hired by the stalker to take revenge of, 'stealing her lover away'. the stalker was imprisoned. Even after all that happened grad was still haunted by the affair of the minister and been called a cursed child from nobles everyone talk behind his back about how his mother was a bitch who climed in people's bed to get money. and that after he was born the minister was cursed by him. Even so one thing he knows for sure was that his mother was a kind and wonderful woman who even the Queen liked. it quite sad" I finished with a sigh, wow that was long

"But that the normal back stories everyone knows already!!" Marie shouted

"Yeah but that's all we've got we don't even know the date that they meet we only knows that they're both childhood friends"

"Yeah but the Prince's also a childhood friends" we both sigh

"Oh wait what about the information you got when you dressed as a reporter and went to talk to the creator?"

"Hmm? Oh my god I almost forgot the creator said that krain and grad did live together after the ending but didn't give more information like if they're a couple or not~~"

"Well it'll be quite a bit till they meet since I bet they're only 5-6 years old now...yeah now that I think about it I don't think that bastard Prince's met with grad yet!" Now that I thought of it when I ask Dennis he said he haven't met grad yet

"Whaaaa why do they grow up so slowly!? This is not normal!!" Marie whine

"Ye I know right? it's not normal! Well anyway about what I said about coming with me to my new territory-"

"I'm definitely coming"

"Huh really?"

"Yeah I have nothing else to do so I'm coming with you beside I think I can learn and have more fun with you then studying here~"

"What about your parents?"

"Oh them they'll be fine, as I said it's normal in our family remember this is a fantasy world after all anything could happen" Marie stood up

After going around town and shopping, we talk for a bit too I even learned that Marie has photographic memories since she was on earth! but she still couldn't remember how she died. She used to work with machines and cars which is amazing we went to cafés and little shop here and there but afterwards we parted ways at her house

and I went home to an angry family, looks like I have made them worried again, oops.

"Rebecca where have you been!?" My father was stand in front of me with his  arm crossed and my mother, oh god, my mother was holding a wooden sword and my brother looks like a demon about to unleashed his power. may god I survive this night of torture

I had to knee and listen to each one of my mother, father and brother's lecture. it was already morning when they finished.

All I feel it pain *cry*

I'm sorry for the slow update but thank you all for sticking around and reading through my horrible grammar ○^○ thank you very much! till next time~♡

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