Chapter 7

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As Murdock is leaving her in laws barge in and flip out about a biker being near their grandchildren. Lacey tells them he was here watching kyle when Noone else was. And storms out. Those judgmental ass hats!

After lacey leaves the in-laws calm down and coo about the baby. Selena feels a bit offended they insinuated she was putting her kids in harms way. She silently sits frustrated until they leave.

She was discharged that night. She decided to stay away from her in-laws for a bit. She just wanted to be alone with her kids. She goes back to her shitty apartment in her shitty car.
She gets an email from her in laws that they are away again to sell her house and husband's business for her. Thank goodness, one less thing she has to deal with! But seriously an e-mail?!
It's been 6 months and she has a routine down, life is going smoothly. Her husband's business has a few board members interested in buying her out. They just need to write up a deal. The house is sold so she needs to decide what furniture in the garage to sell.
She and the kids on on their way over to the old house. Boom goes the engine of her car and it's smoking. She pulls over and it dies. Guh! Just what she needs. She sits for 45 minutes until the engine cools down.
The kids are OK, so she opens the hoods to try to temporarily fix it. She doesn't have money for a mechanic or new car until the deals go through. Shit! She cut her hand on something! Oh gawd, it's really bad. OK what to do now. She makes the mistake of going in the car for a cloth to stop the bleeding. The kids see blood and start scream crying. Selena is about to panic when she sees a big black truck coming. Oh good she can flag this person down.

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