Chapter 16

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I grew up with Niyi, our parents were best friends so it was only normal that we were so close. Growing up, Niyi was the big brother I had always wished for, he was so protective of me and sometimes I would get mad at him.

I remember one time in Secondary School when we were about 16 or 17. One of Niyi's friends, Daniel, who I had been crushing on for a long time told me he liked me. I was so happy and I told Niyi because I told him everything then, he was my best friend after all. Niyi didn't say anything in return, just stared at me like I had something on my face.

The next day, Daniel came to school with a battered face, when I asked him what was wrong, he didn't even say a word, he just walked out on me, when I went to cry to Niyi, I saw his knuckles bruised and then I knew what happened, he tried to pacify me saying Daniel wasn't good enough for me but I didn't want to hear it. I was mad at Niyi for a long time but something happened that made me know Niyi had my best interest at heart though.

Nerath, one of my classmates hadn't come to school for about three days and we were all worried because she was friends with almost everyone in the set. She was pretty, sweet, friendly and smart and everyone liked her. Someone saw Nerath's mum in school that morning, entering the principal's office with some police officers. Before break, the news had already spread around the school.

Apparently, after what happened between Niyi and Daniel, he went to ask Nerath out and she said yes. During the weekend, he invited her over to his house saying his parents had travelled and they had sex. When she found out she was pregnant, she told him and he cajoled her into having an abortion, he gave her some drugs to take.

Nerath bled to death.

Her mum then checked her phone and saw the texts between her and Daniel, she came to school to ask about a boy named Daniel Osoba and Daniel had no choice but to say the truth.

The police officers took Daniel away and that was the last time I ever saw him.

One thing was on my mind though.

That could have been me, I could have been the dead girl and it could have been my mum who would come to school and ask about Daniel.

I never questioned Niyi's intentions ever again.

I thread my fingers through Lota's as we both walk on the beach sand, I like the feeling it gives, It's cool.

I'm wearing one of the numerous beach wears Lota had bought for me some time ago. A maxi floral baby pink skirt with a high slit and a matching off the shoulder crop top.

"I like your hair." He pulls at my waist length braids gently.

"I made it cause I knew you'd like it." I smile.

I wrap my arms around his torso hugging him. His hands go around my waist. I stand on my tip-toes pressing my lips to his making to give him a peck but Lota has other ideas in mind cause he holds my neck, gently but firmly, making it hard for me to pull away, we kiss for a long time and I almost forget the fact that we're not the only ones out here. When he pulls away, we're both breathless.

"I love you, you know that, right?." He asks his eyes boring holes into mine.

My heart stops for a second.

The man I love just told me he is in love with me. A smile appears on my face.

"You do?."

"Of course I do, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me, Tunmise."

"I love you." I stand on my tip-toes to kiss him again.

My day just became a whole lot better.

"Are you free this Saturday?."

"Probably, why?."

"My parents want to meet you."

"Meet who?." I ask cautiously.

He chuckles. "Meet you, babe, we've been dating for a while now, they deserve to know you."

"I don't know Lota, do you think they'll like me?."

"I know they'll love you. You already know my dad right?, Cause when I mentioned you, he said you're a nice girl and he can't wait to meet you."

"But he has already met me." I say. He was my boss for four whole years.

"He met you as his employee. Now, he can't wait to meet you as his son's girlfriend."

"Oh." I blush, "This Saturday?."

"Yeah, we have to be there by 8pm, my mum has this thing for punctuality, she hates lateness." He informs me.

"Okay, I'll be ready by 7." I tell him.

"That's my girl." He kisses my forehead gently.

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Till next time.

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