Chapter 26

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"One more year and I'll be an old woman." I say looking at myself in the mirror.

"Being 30 doesn't make you old, sis." Semilore calls out from her bed.

"You're just saying that cause you're just 23, you have 7 whole years ahead of you."

She bursts out laughing. "You sef ehn. Tell me, how are you spending your birthday?."

"I'm just going to stay at home and eat chocolate."

"Ehn?, Stay where?, This is your last birthday till you turn 30, it has to be fun."

"Lota isn't replying my texts or picking my calls."

"Your boyfriend is busy, he's working, he's going to call you when he's free."

"But it's my birthday."

"Look, I'm sure he's thinking about you as we speak, relax."

I sigh. Lota travelled two days ago, it was impromptu, I didn't want him to go because I wanted him to be around on my birthday but he had to, he's supposed to stay for five days. I've been calling and texting him all morning but he has not replied.

"You sef, who have you been texting?." I ask her.

"Just this someone."


"His name is Dapo."

"Go on." I urge her.

"I met him at the mall like three weeks ago, he actually came up to me and told me I looked familiar, well, I wasn't surprised, I've heard that from a lot of people, he was sha like I'm beautiful and blah blah blah, at the end, he asked me for my number and we've been talking since then."

"Is he fine?."

"Handsome man like this."

I nod my head in understanding.

"Hope you know you're not staying home all day, abeg go and have your bath o. Mum and Dad want you at home this night."

"You people just like stressing me." I groan.

"We stress you cause we love you. I'm hungry, I'm going to make something downstairs, should I make for you?."

"What are you making?."

"Sausage and eggs."

"Yes, please."

I watch as she leaves the room before I turn back to my phone.


"This one that the house is dark. What's wrong?." I ask Semilore as we come down from the car.

"Is it not your parents house?, Let's enter and see naw."

She walks to the front door while I follow behind her, she brings out her spare key from her purse and turns the key in the lock. I walk in cautiously

"Surprise!." The light comes on. My eyes widen in shock as I look around.

Mum, Dad, Niyi, His parents, Niyi's girlfriend, Kate, Lota's parents, his sisters, Jessica, Kamsi, her husband, her son and a lot of my other friends.

Even a photographer is here.

Balloons and streamers decorate the wall and the dining table is arranged with cakes, bottles of wine and different sizes of wrapped gifts. In the middle of the sitting room is a table where five different cakes are placed.

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