Day Nine

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On this day, I met yet another patient who joined our group

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On this day, I met yet another patient who joined our group. Her name was Trisha. I wasn't sure what to think about her at first, probably because she isn't sure what to think about herself. She didn't know how she got to the Psych Ward, nor remember why. She was a very quiet voiced person, so we had to ask her to repeat herself constantly. But she was the kindest person in our group and also the most innocent seeming. So we of course kept her around because we liked her.

I say we. At this point, we've all become friends and created a small group. There was me, of course. Next to me is always Brianna. Even if someone tries to sit next to me on my right side, Brianna kicked them out and sat there instead. I have no idea why she did this as I thought she liked Annie more, but it felt nice to be wanted, I suppose. Annie was on Brianna's other side usually. Allie sat next to Annie and then Trisha would come in wherever she could fit.

We spent hours and hours together. It was as though we were at a girls sleepover and talking away. Our voices carried all through the U-shaped hall of the ward. It annoyed some patients, but made the staff and others feel uplifted. We got them to play music for us, which was great. And we talked about everything down to where we were going to hang out once we all were free. It was Trisha who decided to name our group Psycho-delic Five as a joke and we all liked it. We would cross our arms over our chest to make "covid hugs" and it ended up being our thing.

Besides this joy, the nurses really went above and beyond for me on this day. One nurse named Triss pulled me aside to help me with getting in contact with my boyfriend. She actually pulled out my phone and let me try to call him on my own phone! This was a major rule breaking! I was overwhelmed with gratitude.

However, my boyfriend didn't answer, but she still let me send him a text message! Triss, you are awesome and I will always love you. I sent him a text to tell him to call the front desk, leaving the number. And all the nurses must have been waiting because when he called they all were cheering and excited for me.

Of course, when I answered the call, I just spent the first couple of minutes crying like a baby because I missed his voice that much. But after that, I was able to have a conversation with him. It was wonderful and it'd been years since I felt so happy.

Day nine came and went. It was a very good day.

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