。×・Cell・× 。

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Hanji was helping you into a super long shirt and some shorts. When we were done, she happily escorted you out of the bathroom and presented you to Levi.

You wore a long, yellow buttoned up shirt with dark grey lounging shorts. Everything was huge on you, but you were happy because you weren't covered in your mothers blood anymore.

"It's doable for now, but eventually we should buy clothing that's in her size." Levi said, raising himself from his chair, then walking up to you. "C'mon." Levi said, picking you up rather roughly.

"I'm taking her down to a cell near Jaeger." He said, leaving before poor Hanji even got the chance to protest for you.

Levi put you down in, what he called, a cell. Everything was gloomy. The ground was cold and wet. The walls were rough and crumbly. The ceiling was leaking. He locked up the door and just walked away. He did mutter something about 'This is for the Safety of others.' and 'You are a big risk to everyone here'. You sigh and walk up to where your bed was, then laid down on it. I was as hard as a rock, and the sheets were as thin as paper. You wrapped the blankets around you as best as you could, and then took a moment to think.

My friend gave me a shot..and I don't like needles

Mommy died right in front of me

I met scary people

I can turn into a Titan, and I don't even know what that is

I'm locked up in a uncomfortable cell

And i'm alone

"Hey, are you crying?" you heard a voice next to you, a wall separating your view of the person. Your hands rose to your cheeks. You were crying. You didn't even notice.

"I- I'm sorry if I bothered you.." You said, feeling even worse now. "No no, it's alright. Your (Y/N), right? The one found in Wall Rose? I'm Eren. Eren Jaeger. Nice to meet you." The voice said to you. You've been hearing the Name 'Eren Jaeger' a lot today, but you didn't know who that was, but you guess you just found out. "Y-Yeah. Are you in jail too?" You asked, worried for your new mystery friend.

"Well, yes.. But this isn't Jail!" Eren's voice sounded a little panicked. "This is just... a safety precaution to all the nice people helping humanity." You heard things about both You and Eren being dangerous, but you didn't understand why. This 'Eren' person seemed super nice, and you barely knew what the word 'dangerous' even meant.

"Why. Why am I dangerous?" Your innocent voice traveled through the wall to Eren's side. You could hear a faint sigh, but then you could hear his voice once again. "You know those giant naked things ..right?" You nodded your head, even though he couldn't see you, but you matched your movement with a "Mhm". He continued. "Well.. You have power that lets you turn into one. We don't know how it really works so it scares some people, so we take extra safety measures since these powers aren't exactly trusted yet.."

Your thoughts were constantly throwing questions. Did he have this power too? Was he Scared of me? How did he know so much? You decided you wouldn't know until you asked, so you decided to ask the most important one on your mind.

"Are you like me, too? Since your also locked up?" You asked. "Yes. Yes, I also have that power. Your case is a little different, though. We've never seen someone with the Power as young as you, so we're not sure if age can affect your powers or control, so some people may be weary to trust you, but don't worry! Once people see how nice you are (Y/N), nobody will be scared any more!" You could hear Eren enthusiastically encourage you.

Though the nice words from Eren helped, it couldn't stop all the horrid events from happening today. You could feel and hear yourself hysterically sobbing again. Through your tears you could hear Eren yelling for something, or rather, someone.

Suddenly, you hear the heavy door swing open, to reveal a very cranky captain.

" Eren... do you know what time it..is?" Levi threateningly asked, though his tone turned more into a more confused and worried tone when he heard sobs at the other Cell near the end of the hallway. Levi tilted his head over to Eren, who was leaning against the rusty bars of his cell. "(Y/N) has been crying for a while now." Eren said, glancing to the direction of the hysterical sobbing, both Scouts had a worried face, though one showed it more than the other.

Levi sighed, hanging his lantern on the nearest hook to your cell, then unlocked it, with him walking inside. Your body was underneath your bed, with the exception of your little feet poking out. Levi knelt down, looking at your trembling figure shielded by the shadows of your bed, which wasn't much different from a stack of bricks.

"What's wrong, brat?" Levi said to you, patting the ground in front of him so you would turn your face to him, and you did. He saw you red, puffy eyes, along with your tear stained cheeks. Though he knew it was for the best that you'd stay in a cell, he didn't feel happy doing it, either. "Mommy....is dead", You quietly muttered, still reviewing your horrid memories of today.

Levi Cleared his throat. He was used to telling soldiers family's of his comrades death in battle, but this was a kid. A little kid. A little kid who has nobody else now. "Yeah, she is.." Levi awkwardly said, looking at you with a stoic but saddened face. You sniffle, and he continues. "But your mom would want you to live, and be safe, so I'll make sure you won't get hurt, okay?".

You widen your eyes, a little surprised. Out of everyone you met today, you didn't expect Levi to declare your safety. Levi gently pulled you out from under the bed. He was still kneeling down as you were sitting on the ground, leaning up against the frame of the bed. "P-Promise?", Your tiny voice peeped out, causing Levi's face to seep back into the stoic, monotoned face everyone knew him for.

"I Promise, brat." He said, placing a hand on your head, then gently standing up.

You watched as Levi slowly stood up before you. You didn't want him to leave you. You didn't want to be alone in this dark, uncomfortable room. You just started to fell better, too! You didnt want to leave the one good thing that might have came from today. Not again...Not again..Not a-

"Brat, I can hear your mumbling. I'm staying with you tonight." You were pulled away from your thoughts by the sound of Levi's voice. You were mumbling? You didn't mean too, but anyways you felt relief knowing you wouldn't be alone tonight.

Levi POV (i didn't know how to write this scene with the normal POV sorry!)

When I stood up I could hear (Y/N) whimpering and mumbling about not wanting to be alone anymore. I interrupted her thoughts.

"Brat, I can hear your mumbling. I'm staying with you tonight." I said, sitting down on the bed.

Jeez, it was as hard as a rock! I wont be surprised if I don't get a blink of sleep tonight, but I felt somewhat worse for the brat. A lot happened today for the little brat, so I think she really needed some sleep tonight. I laid down and looked to my right to see (Y/N) giving me wide eyes, and looking a little bit relieved.

I picked her up and laid her down, straight on top of my chest. I'm sure it would be a little more comfortable than sleeping straight on the bed. She cuddled up to me and immediately fell asleep, which I figured. I heard Eren mumbling a 'Sorry' and an just responded by clicking my tongue, but in all honesty, I didn't care very much anyways.

Young Shifter ||AOT x Child!Reader||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن