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"We'll be back, brat."






























It was around 8:00 in the morning, and you didn't get any sleep all night. Levi wrote on some papers with a lot of words on them throughout the night, waking you every time your eyes threatened to close.

He got up from his desk and walked to the door, you sloppily following behind. 

Looking at this, you'd think a 4 year old was drunk.

Once you were out the door, you immediately tumbled down, but before you felt the heavy impact of the floor, Levi caught you, then picked you up and walked with you in his arms.

When you both reached the infirmary, Levi set you down on the same bed platform as before, and the same doctor came back into the room, inspecting your ears, eyes, nose, throat.

"Alright, she should be fine to sleep and return to normal, but do come back if things seem odd." The man said, walking out again. Levi picked you up once more, and once again, began to walk back to his office. You were still fighting the urge to sleep. "Brat, you can sleep." 

"Huh?" You said, weakly looking up at the short Captain. "The doctor said you could sleep, so sleep." That was enough for you, you closed your eyes and immediately fell into a deep slumber.























"We'll be back, brat."






You slowly woke up. How long were you asleep?You looked around and realized you were back in the cell. Everything was cold, and the bed was just as hard as you remembered it.


Where is Levi?

"We'll be back, brat."

What did that mean?


T-There was an expedition.

Did they all leave?

You yelped out for Levi. You heard the heavy door open, and two people stood on the other side of your cell. One you didn't recognize, but the other you did. Erwin, you think was his name.

"Hey, (Y/N). Levi, Hanji, and their squads had to leave on an expedition, but they will be back."

You knew it. They did leave you here after all.

"Now that your awake, let's get out of here." Erwin said, unlocking the door to your cell, holding it open for you to walk out. Erwin took your hand, leading you up some stairs into his office. He left you on the sofa in the corner of the room, while he sat at his desk, writing on a stack of papers that was probably twice as short than Levi's.

Through the next few hours, many people who Erwin referred to as 'cadet' walked in to his office, so you never could relax. It was already bad that you didn't even Have Levi or Hanji with you. You were devastated they couldn't even wake you up to say goodbye, they just left.

Erwin took you to get lunch with him, but you refused to eat anything. You were so hurt and worried you lost your appetite. 

Erwin said to you the expedition would only last for three days, as it was a simple scouting mission. Eventually, you began to slightly eat, though you were still worried. Once the fourth day came up, you were shaken. They were supposed to arrive back at HQ last night at the latest, so where were they? 

Erwin told me he received a message from Levi's squad, saying they would be delayed and take a little bit longer, but you didn't know what to think. The only thing that came into your mind was that they must've gotten seriously hurt, and even died.

Worry, devastation, anger, sadness, confusion. 

Due to all those feelings you were getting thrown into, you couldn't even function anymore. It was getting serious.

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