Chapter 11

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'The woman who does not require validation from anyone is the most feared individual on this planet.'
~Mohadesa Najumi


2 days later, Aiyana requested their Alpha's permission to go to the market.

Although her demand wasn't something unreasonable, it certainly raised heads, as she was known around the pack as someone who rarely stepped outside of the pack house. She either stayed in her room or spent the whole day in her garden.

Still, Dexter granted her request with a smile.

Ajax was fairly shocked at her request. Because, it was really unexpected of his sister to not tell him of something she needed. So imagine his shock when she asked their Alpha of something without consulting with him first.

Something even more shocking was that she wanted to go alone by herself. Without him.

She took a pen and notepad with her too, which she never ever did previously due to feeling embarrassed of her inabilities.

She also didn't ask any money from Ajax.

He should've been happy to see her be self-dependent. But somehow, he felt like she was slowly getting away from him. [His shadow]

After spending her whole day shopping in the market, Aiyana returned home carrying some bags with her. She had an excited smile on her lips.


Let me type more. ;-)

It was after dinner when Aiyana was brimming with nervousness and excitement in her fairly lit room.

She was waiting for him.

Something dashed across the room from her peripheral vision and the very next second, a pair of hands pulled her from behind.

Her back collided with his chest as they flopped on the bed.

She still had to recover from the shock of the fall when his mischievous fingers started tickling her sides without spare.

And at next, her sweet laughter and uncontrollable giggles resonated in the air as he tortured her sides while laughing himself.

They were really enjoying this. Especially her sweet giggles.

In her defense, she tried to wiggle from his hold, she even tried to tickle him in return, but he remained unfazed.

When their fun finally stopped, he was already littering her face with light kisses, while she relished in their warmth trying to calm her breathing.

It felt so nice. She really wanted to stay like this, in his warmth, for her whole life.

Her zircon brown eyes met his alluring amethyst ones and she gave him a sweet smile. She signed while pouting;

The attack was surprising.

But, I too have a surprise for you.

He quirked his brows at her statement. To which, she instantly sprang up from the bed and swiftly went to her closet.

What do you think mate has for us??

I have no idea. But I sure am excited for it.

She flopped down beside him on the bed with some bags in her laps. She excitedly forwarded them to him and gestured him to check for himself.

Inside the bags where male clothes. To be more precise, they were modern male clothings.

Seeing the clothes, he was reminded of a previous conversation she had with him. One that consisted his clothing.

Reminiscence to then:

Aiyana and Azazel had just finished playing the 'blind fold' game.

She had suggested it to him. As the last time she played the game was years ago, when she was small, with only her brother.

And she had secretly hoped to play it once again from very long ago. But...

Her brother had been very busy and mature to indulge in these games anymore.

When she was little, she had always been carefree in front of her brother. Those were one of the best moments of her life.

But when his friend circle started to expand more, and he had a reputation to uphold, it interfered with his once determined character, making him treat her in a way which was 'acceptable in front of society', regardless of her feelings and growth.

Little Aiyana loved her brother so much that, she too, started behaving in the way how he wanted her too.

Only for her to become closed off, hollow and mentally depressed as days passed by.

But now, with Azazel, she had already slowly started coming out of her shell.

Currently, she laid on the lush green earth while he leaned on the tree beside her. Both were to calm their excited hearts, as their face sparkled from their happy radiance.

After a minute or two, Aiyana suddenly signed something to him.

What do you do for living?

-To be continued


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