Chapter 25

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'Don't let someone who did you wrong make you think there's something wrong with you. Don't devalue yourself because they didn't value you. Know your worth even if they don't.'

'Stand up for yourselves. Don't let people mistake your kindness for weakness and your calmness for acceptance.'
[I absolutely love this quote]


Within a short span of time, the whole world had come to know about their King Azazel, getting a soulmate. Meaning that the Queen will be shown to the whole world very soon.

People in each and every corner of the world prayed for the new Queen to be a benevolent one, so that the tyrant could be kept in check.

And when they came to know that their new Queen was the personification of an Angel, thanks to all the rumors starting from the palace, pupils have cried tears of joy.

Almost everywhere, people were going to pilgrimage to pray for the well-being of the earth after the arrival of their Queen.

Aiyana, when saw pupil crying for Azazel to marry his mate in the news, had blushed so deeply that even a rose would be bland in comparison to her.

What were they saying? Marriage...!!

She flopped on her bed and started beating her hands and legs on the mattress in shyness and embarrassment. Her heart felt like a fluttering butterfly which could just fly away in any moment from now.

Thank heavens Azazel wasn't there in the room. Or else he would have smirked and teased her until she would have almost died in shyness.

He had gone away to collect flowers for her. One of the trick Zane had taught him to impress Aiyana, which had actually worked very well.

He would always greet Aiyana with a bunch of flowers personally set by him and with sweet kisses showering on her face every morning. It would make both of their heart flutter in unconditional love and happiness.

Yes. Love. Aiyana had long ago realized that she loved her mates with all her heart.

But she never had the guts to confess it. She tried several times, but each and ever time, she had just blushed and shied away making Azazel and Azron question it's reason.

But still she saw it in their eyes. Azazel's eyes would gleam with mischief and he would be giving her a wolfish smirk each and every time she tried to confess to them.

And when she would stop midway or back away completely, he would just laugh and tease her.

And if she glared at him in anger, he would just make an innocent face and stare at her questioning as if he knew nothing.

He knew!

She knew that he knew!

How could he enjoy teasing her so much??? Wehhh?!!!

She hadn't stopped him while he confessed his love to her. Why was he distracting her at her time?! Not fair! Cheating!!!
Aiyana pouted in complain.

Well, it was after some hours. Aiyana and Azron in his beast form were having fun.

Azron. Who had just recently revealed his pair of dark wings to Aiyana was now flying around the whole garden while his mate Aiyana had sat riding on his back.

It was so much fun! !!

They would fly high in the skies, racing and spinning while laughing without any limits. He would sometimes even take a straight flight into the sky and then drop himself from the high height, letting the gravity do its wonder on them while she screamed and yelped in the sweet rush.

Queen of his Heart - [Editing] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ