Nine \\ The Lookout Point

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Nine \\

        "I hate first days."

        "You're the one who asked to stay here, Der." Laura parked the car outside of Easton High School, grabbing her bag from the backseat and tucking her keys in the front pocket.

        "I know, but I still don't like new schools," he mumbled, getting out of the car and putting his backpack over one shoulder.

        "I know, but just a year and a half for you." Laura flicked her hair out of her eyes, glancing over to her younger brother. "You gonna be okay?"

        "Yeah, I've got my schedule and I know where my locker is." Derek looked around the campus, "I'll meet you here after school."

        "Sounds like a plan. Good luck."

        "You too." Parting ways, Derek ignored all of the strange looks he was getting and found his locker. If he was anyone else, he would be fine, but with his hearing, the whispers weren't exactly whispers.

        Grumbling to himself, Derek checked his classlist and changed out the books he needed.

        Another figure opened a locker close by, a scent of cinnamon fluttering in.

        Derek carefully kept his eyes forward but used his prehipherals to see who it was.

        With softly curled brown hair, a girl with stunning blue eyes tucked an advanced French book away. She looked over, catching him. She smiled, "I thought your sister said you two were just passing through."

        Derek inwardly panicked, not expecting her to remember him. "Uh, the town kind of grew on us."

        "Good." She kept a medical textbook under her arm despite the unnecessity of it. "We're happy to have you. Easton's a nice place." She shut her locker, not walking off like Derek had expected from her. "It's Derek, right? I'm Dakoda."

          He nodded lightly, "I remember."

         "Do you know where you're going? I could show you around if you wanted." Dakoda wasn't pressuring or fluttery, but she was just the right amount of friendly.

        Derek never, ever, had a problem with girls; he was handsome and charming, but now was throwing him off.

         He barely knew this Dakoda girl and she was already stealing his words.

        Honestly, he found it frustrating.

       Then again, he would later find that frustration to be completely worth it.


        Koda surfaced from the BH Memorial staff room in lilac scrubs the next morning full of regret. She hid it well through; no one would've known she'd parted from a long lost love without kissing them.

        Putting her hair up into a clip, she was grabbed while adjusting her stethoscope. Pulled around a corner, she was face to face with Nurse McCall. "Afternoon, Melissa." It was evident the nurse had been purposefully avoiding the 23-year-old  up until now.

        "Your name isn't Marie. It's Dakoda, as in Dakoda Talbot from the deadpool." Melissa accusingly said, only finding out about the true identity after already having money troubles earlier before she left for work.

        "Legally, it is Marie, but you are right in technicality." Koda glanced around for wandering ears. "Did Scott tell you?"

        "He did, but what I'm wondering is why you didn't say anything sooner." Melissa was cautious of how loudly she spoke. "You heard me tell my son I thought you were one of the assassins."

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