Fourteen \\ A Little Toasty

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Fourteen \\

"Derek." Koda nudged him with her foot, only half awake and getting irritated by the ringtone littering the loft. She groaned, opening her eyes. She reached across his sleeping form and plucked the cell phone off of the nightstand. Seeing Scott's contact, she went ahead and answered it. "Hello?"

"Derek?" Scott hesitated, clearly checking his contact to make sure he didn't get the wrong person.

"It's Koda." She, back in a tee and underwear, climbed out of the bed. "He's sleeping. Is everything okay?"

"Uh, not exactly. There's a lot to explain, but we should start with the fact Deputy Parrish was set on fire by one of the assassins."

Dakoda's lips parted, "What?"

"Thing is, he's alive. Stiles said he came in after, covered in ashes and beat up Haigh. It was his partner who tried to kill him," Scott explained. "Look, he's really confused. Lydia and I are confused. Can we bring him to the loft? Derek might have an idea what he is."

"I'll wake him but I'll have to leave. He's a deputy, right?"

"No, we need you, too. You've got knowledge about this as well," Scott said. "He won't know you and we won't tell him who you are."

"Okay fine." She looked over her shoulder, Derek rustling in his sleep. "Just get here, I'll wake him."

He agreed, saying they were on their way.

Koda tossed the phone onto the bed and found her jeans. Wiggling into them, she turned on a lamp to help pull Derek out of sleep. "Derek."

He mumbled, having to roll around. "Why are you up? This is a shitty sneakout if you're trying to wake me up."

"No, dumbass. Just get up," Koda told him. "Scott just called, he's coming over with Deputy Parrish. The deputy was set on fire."

Derek propped himself up on his elbows, "But he's coming with them?"

"That's the catch. Parrish survived somehow. He wants us to help." Koda threw clothes at him, "Get up."

"It's police. Are you staying?" Derek sat up, pulling on the purple shirt before putting on his jeans.

"Parrish is the young one, right? I doubt he'll know about Brett and I." Koda said, checking her own phone, it nearly two. "We just won't tell him who I am."

Derek ran a hand over his hair, glancing around the loft for no apparent reason. "Survived a fire?" he asked himself, trying to think.

"They're here," Dakoda said, tuned senses hearing an arrival to the loft.

"Unlock the door. I'll get lights." Derek gave loose instructions, turning on a few more lamps in the loft.

Koda went to the door, manuvering a panel and sliding it open. Not long after, she let in Scott, Lydia and Deputy Parrish. She shut the door, the police officer giving her an unfamilar look as the group walked to Derek.

"Hold out your hands." Derek, next to Koda and Scott, had Jordan across from him.

As the deputy got his hands examined, he unsurely looked to Scott who only lightly shrugged.

"He covered you in gasoline?" Derek asked with a guess, recieving a nod.

"It's the hair and nails, isn't it?" Lydia looked around, "The parts of the body that are essentially dead."

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