Pregnancy to Birth

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It had been over 6 months since Angel and Alastor learned she was pregnant.

The Radio Demon had been very territorial of the spider since then. As soon as a month passed, Angel looked like she was already 5 months along.

She also told Mimzy of the pregnancy and of course, she was delighted to be a grandmother. Angel also told her she decided to have the baby's gender be a surprise so they got gender nurtral baby clothing for now.

However, Alastor rarely let his wife out of his sight except to bathe or when he went off to hunt to help sate her meat cravings.

Being a demon pregnancy, it was different from a human one.

Since they were both animal demons, the expected time would be sooner. Around the 6th month that is. By then, she said that she looked like a blimp.

Alastor joked she was a beautiful blimp to him as he caressed her belly carrying his brood.
Right now, Angel was in the resting room of her room in the hotel, sensing the baby would be born soon.

Since word got out she was pregnant, there had been a rise in reporters wanting a glimpse of the baby's birth to assassination attempts to take her out.

Thankfully, Angel was never alone. After all, not a lot of demons were foolish enough to kill while being watched by the princess of Hell and her family.

She smiled at the thought, as she caress her belly as Niffty scurried around the room cleaning up the nursery, and making sure everything was in place. Along her side was Alastor's shadow looking over Angel in fondness.

Then Angel felt a kick. Then another.


"Ah. Ah! Niffty!"

"Angel?! Is something wrong?!"

"I-I think my water broke!"

Niffty knew what that meant and called Charlie, Rosie and Niffty, and the others.

Alastor's shadow caught the words, 'Baby is coming!' And quickly zoomed to find its master.

Alastor was at his 'work' killing some demon that launched a failed attempt on his wife when his shadow appeared.

"Boss, you need to get back, you're gonna miss your kid's birth!"

The buck didn't need to be told twice as his tentacles made quick work and shadow stepped back to the hotel.

By the time he was there, so was Mimzy, Rosie, the doctor, and the others.

"Alastor. Your wife needs you in the room now." Husk said as he was sitting down.

Alastor nodded and he went to Angel's side to hold her hand. If he wasn't an all-powerful overlord, she would've broken his hand.

After what felt like hours, a cry emerged at the end of it all.

"Congratulations, it's a girl." The doctor said wrapping the baby in a blanket and handing it to her tired but happy mother.

The child had pinkish-red hair with white highlights along the tips of their hair, and a pair of deer ears with black tips.

Their eyes were one left red eye like the father and one right green eye with black scalara like the mother along with the same markings under her eyes.
The teeth while still blunt, were pearly white, and would sharpen as she got older.

Her skin was like her father's but she had a tuft of fur which circled her neck like a scarf.

She even had an extra pair of arms which were similar to her dad's and a puffy deer tail and the same feet as her mom.

Alastor never felt more proud in his life seeing his newborn daughter as he gently touched her hair as his wife cried with joy.

"She's beautiful. More than I thought she would be." Alastor said softly.

Angel nodded then she turned to Alastor. "When was the last time I told you I love you?"

"9 hours before I left to take care of those cretins."

"Then your overdue. I love you darling."

"I love you too darling." Alastor said placing a kiss on Angel's forehead. "And you as well sweetie." He said to his daughter. "Have you thought of a name for her, cher?"

"Yeah, what was your mom's name?"

"!!!" Alastor perked at that. "I take it back. I'm absolutely smitten with you. And her name was Anastasia." Alastor grinned.

"How does Anastasia Diantha Potter sound?"

"It's perfect." Alastor said looking over his new treasure as the others came in.

"Is the baby alright?" Charlie asked.

"Yes, and so is her mother. Her name's Anastasia." Alastor said as the others gathered to see the baby.

"She's so cute!" Niffty cooed and Vaggie looked at the kid with a smile.

"Welcome to Hell, little ankle biter." Husk gruffed with a small smile.

Mimzy looked overjoyed at the sight of her adoptive granddaughter.

Alastor was the Radio Demon. Sinners would say he's ruthless, vengeful, and he would kill anyone simply for self-entertainment.

No one would believe he was capable of emotions...until Alstromeia or Angel Dust walked into his life.

And now that he became a husband and father...

He's never letting go.

Well. That's the end of this story. But as promised, there will be a sequel centered on their child in Twisted Wonderland!

I'll get the profile for their daughter up soon, and I'll need some suggestions on how boys of NRC will react to her, and to note, none of them have ever heard of the Radio Demon or the Spider Witch Demon before, so they'll be in for quite a shock.

Plz comment!

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