Chapter 2

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The rest of my classes went by in a blur. Calculus, health and technology were ok, I think, but I just couldn't focus on what the teachers were saying. It's fine though because I'm ahead in all my classes.... Except for Biology obviously. There's nothing wrong with the class, but Mrs. Roden just hates me and wishes for me to fail. Which I do because like I said, she hates me, and can't teach to save her life. When lunch came, I couldn't run faster. I'm sprinting so fast that I ran into 3 people along my way.

"Are you alright?" A boy from Saffi is talking to me, and of all the people, he should know he's not allowed to. I started to walk away, and he kept talking to me. "Excuse me, are you alright? I saw you fall and wanted to be polite." "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking." I wanted to leave to find Jeremy, but he just kept talking to me. Then he spoke to me again, "I heard what you said to Mrs. Roden, and that was really rude of you. She was just trying to do her job, you should learn some respect." I snapped at him, "who would teach me that?" I rolled my eyes, "you?" I laughed and walked away. I know who that kid is, he is the student president of my school. Of course. Thomas Cyprus I think his name is; his parents are a part of the New York City Government, or NYCG for short. Thomas is a huge suckup to all the teachers, and it gets really annoying. I don't really think he likes me very much since I'm in Harcos, and that is everything his society is against. He is in my English along with my math class, and sits in the front to show that he is paying attention. Like I was saying, suckup.

Finally, I made it to the cafeteria just in time, and then I spotted him waving at me. I blushed again, I can't help my feelings. I don't understand what makes me so attracted to him, but I am. "Harper, hey." Jeremy is sitting alone, which I don't understand why, since he's so popular. "Hi, you sitting alone?" I think I looked confused because he laughed, "I like to eat lunch by myself. You know, get some peace in quiet." I know what he means, our home is not exactly quiet. "Yeah I get it." We were quiet for a moment, "well come sit down, unless you don't want to." I rolled my eyes, "you invited me didn't you." I sat down, and he started staring at me again. "Is there something in my teeth, or-" "Sorry, I'm just spacing out right now." That hurt a bit, am I too boring for him? "Oh, well if you want to be alone right now, it's fine." He didn't say anything, he just stared at nothing and then took out a notebook. I didn't see what he was writing before I started to stand up, "Ok then, I'm gonna go. I'll see you around Jeremy." I walked away from the table and left school to go home. I couldn't face him during the last period in English, and I definitely don't want to see Mrs. Roden again for today.

I took the subway back home because home is too far to walk. I'm embarrassed, I let down my guard, and to what, feel like a nothing. I thought he actually liked me, but I guess not.

When I got back to Harcos territory, I saw a bunch of kids and adults playing paintball with each other. That's the good thing about Harcos', no matter how old you are, you are always doing something active. That's what this is, we're kinda like the group that never sleeps. There's always something going on, and it can be both good and bad. Just last week, there was a group of 12 year olds who threw stink bombs in Stringent's area. We don't always make the best decisions, but I enjoy my life... mostly. I learn how to protect myself and look and be confident in front of everyone. That's what I do all the time, but I don't know why I can't do it with Jeremy. I really need to fix that, or he might use it against me.

I live with my older brother and sister because when I was 8, my parents died while protecting the city. We are the warriors of New York, and we protect everyone. We have to be ready for anything no matter what. I just wished that I could have some peace and quiet sometimes. Like I said, it's great to be in this society, but sometimes it becomes too much for me; I've gone through so much and I don't know how much more I can handle.

I had 2 best friends, Jaxson and Kristen, but I called them Jax and Kris. I knew both of them since I was five years old. He was 7 when we met and Kristen was 14. Jaxson left me when I was 15 but Kristen disappeared very quickly after the sorting. Kristen was in Stringent after the sorting, I think that might be a reason for her disappearance. She always talked about running away, but I never thought she would actually do it; she kept talking about a place called Chicago. We learned a little bit about it, but not much. The System decided to put Jaxson in Regal, now I never get to see him because he goes to the other school for "The Matured". That's what the sorted Regals call it. If you get sorted into Regal, you are put into a different school, and it's all super prestigious. I don't understand why they have their own school, while everyone else has to share a school. My school holds all the younger students who haven't been sorted yet, including the young Regals. They also hold the older students that weren't put into Regal.

"Hey Harp" when my older sister Jordan was sorted, The System decided to keep her in Harcos because she is everything I want to be. She is way more confident than I am, and she loves being able to have a job that keeps her moving. "Hey" she looked at me wearily, "what happened to you?" I tried to look confused but was unconvincing, "what do you mean?" I know she knows that something is wrong, "fine, Jeremy invited me to lunch, and then he didn't even talk to me. I felt like a loser for thinking I had a chance." She looked at me and glared, "that son of a-" I stop her before she can finish her sentence. "STOP! Thanks for trying to make me feel better, but I should have known he is out of my league." She looked at me sympathetically, "I'm sorry Harp." I could barely talk now,"It's not your fault, I just got my hopes up." She gave me a hug which is very rare coming from her but it was nice. "I'll see you tomorrow Jordan." Before I left something very unexpected came from her mouth, "love you Harp." I looked back at her, "love you too J" and turned around and went back to the house.

10 days, that's it until I find my real home, right?

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