Chapter 8

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It's been a week since the conversation we had and we all started making our plan to leave. Lydia and Thomas are packing all of our belongings, food, water, knives, blankets, etc. We need to pack light but have all the things we need to survive. 

While they did that, me and Josh started to plan ways on how to leave without people noticing, also some maps and trails we need, to find the way to our destination. I don't exactly know where we're going, but I think it's going to be somewhere in the mid-west. I'm planning on going to Harcos territory to ask if Jeremy wants to come; I really hope he says yes to this idea, but I don't know what he wants because he's been acting differently. He's more rude and disrespectful towards everyone and I have no clue why. Could it be because I left him? I still wear the necklace he gave me and never take it off. At least I still have some part of him with me at all times.

"Ok, so I did the math along with research, and I think I have a place that we could live once we reach our destination." I said and everyone looked at me, "well, where is it?" I looked down, "It's Chicago, I calculated it for us walking 8 hours a day which would get us there in about 33 days. I think it's the perfect place because it's a sanctuary with no societies and accepts all people. Once we're out of New York, we'll be free from our society, but I don't know about the other states we go through. We just have to be extra careful on who we ask, and where we go. So what do you think?" They didn't say anything, and it made me nervous. What if they don't want to do this anymore. 

"Okay, but Chicago, how do you know they don't have societies as well?" I looked at him straight in the eye when I spoke, "Chicago is the place where people can be people, I just know we'll be safe there; there's a leader there who was a refugee herself, and it's by water so more people could come in and out." Thomas looked at me and then the wall, "how would you know the leader left a society?" I can't tell him why, I can't tell anyone why. While I was researching places, I decided to look at Chicago, I figured out that Kristen is the leader of the state. "You just have to trust me," I looked at Lydia and Josh who nodded, "when do we leave."

I looked at Thomas when he said this, I was the most nervous that he would back down. "I think that we should leave tomorrow night, that way no one will see us." This idea was perfect because if I want to try and bring Jeremy, it needs to be dark. "All in favor of leaving tomorrow," when Josh said this, we all raised our hands. "Alright then, get ready because we're about to find where we truly belong." When I just said that, I got really happy. I will finally find my home, I know I will. 

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