Chapter 30

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Brooks POV

    To my mother's wishes I've made it through the most awkward family dinner I've ever had without mentioning Sydney. The conversation stayed light and mainly focused on Layla to her disadvantage.

    "So, Layla...hows uh, how is the season going? Sectionals are next week aren't they ?" I ask her as I pick at the lasagna on my plate, my nervous eyes shift to her face.

    Her eyes slightly dim, "It's going well. Excited for sectionals, we have a pretty good chance of winning."

Curious about her reaction to my question, I study her face. Volleyball is usually a safe subject to touch on, Sydney told me they had a loss, but only one in an entire season is still a pretty great accomplishment. My answer is given to me as my Dad ever so kindly butts in.

    "Not if you play like you did against Taylor." My dad scoffs. Layla looks down at her plate, redness filling her cheeks.

    "That won't happen again Dad, I told you it was just a bad game." She says quietly.

    "I would hope so, they got three spikes passed you and your first serve in the second match was way off the sideline."

    "I know Dad, I told you I was sorry." Layla holding back tears looks up at him quickly before returning her eyes to the table, she's usually not as sensitive to his criticism, both of us had grown used to it even though it is coming out harsher than normal. I am to blame for that and all the tension bubbling around the table and the guilt of it weighs heavy on my chest. 

    "Don't be sorry, just do your best to not let that happen again." He tries to stay calm but his reserve is fading.

    A small tear comes from the corner of Layla's eye but she brushes it away as my Dad continues, "Maybe you need to be getting some more practice in, rather than hanging out with your friends at the diner."

    "It was only a couple hours, we went and got some fries. I was upset, you know...because we lost." She defends.

    My mother and I stay silent as they exchange their conversation. I'm unsure of what to say, I'm already in hot water with my dad so my input will just push him over the edge. Of course, my mom won't say anything either, she runs from confrontation harder than you would run from a burning building but I feel for Layla and I wish I could help, I'm just not sure how. 

    "So spending time with your delinquent friends instead of coming home to your family is the best option?" His questioning became more intense as his eyes burned into Layla's face like he could force her under his will with only a look. I've seen that look before, and usually, it works.

My dad has always been intense but I have never seen this side of him. It's as if the more pushback Layla and I give against the control he has always had over us the more he unravels right in front of our eyes. 

    Tears start streaming down Layla's face. "You have no right to say that about my friends, they have always been kind and respectful to you and Mom."

    "That is correct, but I'm not stupid Layla, I hear the stories about what goes on at that lake house. I know they drink and God knows what else. You are better than that, better than them." The reserve was gone and he plowed on to full-blown lecturing.

    "What is the matter with you?" She drops her fork loudly on her plate meeting his eyes with an intensity I've never seen before but have recently felt.

    "Layla Ann Dawson." My mother finally interjects.

    "What? He can say whatever he wants about whoever he wants. He can judge my friends, and Brooks's relationship but we can't question any of his choices?" Her voice shaking.

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