Chapter 03

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Chapter Three

Break My Heart
By Hey Violet

I'm curious to live and learn
So light me up and let me burn

English Translation for Spanish Terms:
Abuela - Grandma/Grandmother
Hermana mayor - Older sister
Torta Ahogada - Drowned sandwhich
La cena - Dinner, supper

AGE 17

ON A typical Saturday night, I should be out enjoying the weekend before school rolls back around. Before I have to face another manic Monday, and the rest of the dreary week all over again. But, I don't have the luxury of having an awesome time like my peers. I can't go out without being interrogated by my mamà, abuela, and hermana mayor. I've got to have all of the facts together before I can walk out that door and have some fun and freedom.

That's the perks of growing up in a Hispanic household.

What's more fun than entering a club with no I.D. with your best friends tonight? Apparently, it is studying for a math test I'm going to fail miserably. Pop-rock music plays in the background, I hold my math textbook and pencil to my chest. I flop down upon my bed with my legs sprawled out carelessly. My comfy pillows and blanket under me makes me want to lay here forever and fall asleep.

The sound of my bedroom swinging open causes my heart to drop, falling fast into the pit of my stomach. I sit straight up with fear flashing across my face. Mamà strolls into my bedroom and takes a look around, as if she is searching for something or someone. Is she expecting to find a boy hiding in my closet? Her dark eyes finally shift focus from my bedroom essentials to me.

Several people believe my mamà and I resemble each other. But, I can't seem to understand what physical similarities we have in common. Sure we both share dark curly hair and dark amber eyes. Not to mention we both are short in height. Other than those similarities, we are totally the opposite to each other.

"Mìja, why was your bedroom door closed?" Mamà asked. Her voice was dangerously calm. I expected her to yell at me. This is the second time I closed my bedroom door. I just knew she was getting prepared to scorn me with all of her fury.

"I forgot to open it back after I finished changing into my pajamas." I explained quickly. Sitting up on my bed, I place my textbook and pencil aside. I took a deep breath and waited for the infamous Cristina Cortez wrath. But, it didn't come.

Mamà took a seat beside me at the foot of my bed and wrap her arm around my body. "What are you doing?"

"I'm studying for this math exam that I've got next Monday." I answer. I fight the urge to let out a groan. Math and I don't really get along. "Mamà, can I go out tonight? It is Saturday."

"But, you went out last Saturday Daniela. Right?" she says, giving me a dazed look of confusion. I couldn't help but notice her skewed frown. "Do you want to come watch Telemundo with me. Abuela is making Torta Ahogada for la cena tonight."

"Mamà, I went out shopping with you to buy Jesus candles last Saturday." I swear we have enough Jesus Candles around our home to last us a lifetime.

"What? We needed a couple more candles. And there was a good sale going on."

"That's not my definition of going out. I want to drive around town with my friends or go to the movie theater." I rake a hand through my jet black curly black hair in frustration. I was close to pulling out chunks of my curls in pure rage.

There was a Jeep Wrangler I was gifted for my 16th birthday waiting outside in my driveway. I didn't just want to take it for a spin or two. I had a long road trip in mind for Elena and I. What? I had to give my car a name.

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