Chapter 05

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Chapter Five

All These Years
By Camila Cabello

Your eyes just as I remember (Ooh)
Your smile's just a little softer

WHEN MY eyes flip open, I am greeted by a shining light with open arms. My head shifts to the right as I close my eyes again, shielding myself with my hand. I hope I am waking up from a bad dream. A vivid, cruel bad dream where all of your worst nightmares come true. And I came face to face with my worst nightmare: My childhood best friend and my best friend were engaged. But, it was only just a bad dream. I tell myself.

I'm surprised to open my eyes once again and and come face to face with Matt. He stares down at me with his glistening dark auburn eyes. Matt is sitting beside me on the tiled bathroom floor. It feels good to see a familiar face like his. I let my eyes roam across his face freely. He still has that same smile that never reaches his eyes. I inhale the musky scent of his cologne, coming from his mustard yellow sweater. I remember I bought that cologne for him as Christmas gift in high school. I'm quite surprised he still owns it and puts the cologne to good use.

Matt breaks the cold silence and speaks first, "When you fell you hit your head pretty hard, Daniela. So you're going to need this to heal that bruise." He extends his arm and hands me frozen bag of corn.

I grab the bag of frozen corn and place it against the back of my head. Pressing the cold surface against my aching bruise, I wince in agony and release a distress moan.

What is he talking about? I didn't fall...

The second I look up and stare at the beaming gold band ring on Matt's finger, a flood of memories crash through my head. It is all coming back to me now. I stood in the large crowd of party with a red cup of vodka and a smile gracing my lips. My eyes were focused on Heather, whom was standing on top of a couch. She was going to finally reveal my birthday surprise. A surprise I've been waiting to see since I arrived in New York. Instead, it was an unexpected announcement; an announcement I wish I didn't see or heard.

Matt and Heather were engaged to be married.

"Please tell I am still dreaming and I am not awake."
I murmured to myself. Pinching myself hard enough to leave a bruise, I shut my eyes and sat the bag of corn aside on the bathroom floor. This is the worst type of nightmare; a nightmare where you aren't asleep and you are wide awake living it.


Rolling in The DeepBy Adele

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Rolling in The Deep
By Adele

There's a fire starting in my heart
Reaching a fever pitch, and it's bringing me out of the dark

I COULD feel Matt boring his eyes into me. "...Listen, I never wanted you to find out like this. This is the worst possible time. It is your birthday tonight. I know you've been busy with college and everything. I've been trying to find the perfect time to tell you that—"

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