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This life is interesting.

That's what Felicity was thinking while sitting alone in the college cafeteria.

Ever since the college started a week ago, Felicity had been regularly taking classes.

Although something bothered her and that was how she will find occasionally people staring at her.

Nobody really approached her except a few who brought her books and took her signature on them.

And if someone did approach her, it would only be a small talk.

Felicity didn't like that she was a loner even in this life.

Felicity looked around the library, huffed before getting up and reaching out to take her sandwich and raspberry frappe along with her.

Carrying her breakfast along with herself felicity made her way out to the big opening that had benches on the edges.

Felicity had been stalki- *cough* *cought* searching a lot about Ava to know that at this time Ava would go sit at a secluded bench alone, without her lackys and lunch there.

So Felicity made her way towards that bench and found Ava sitting there alone with a headphone on.

Once she reached the bench, she sat down quietly.

Ava, who was deep in her feelings while listening to some love song was completely unaware of Felicity sitting beside her.

Felicity smiled mischievously and nudged Ava.

Ava frowned when she felt someone disturbing her solitude.

When Ava looked at the culprit, she frowned even deeper.

'This bitch'

That was all Ava thought before Felicity passed half of her sandwich to Ava.

Ava just looked silently at the sandwich but made no efforts to take it.

Felicity behaved like a shameless and thick skinned woman and just placed the sandwich in Ava's hands.

'There's no place of formalities between best friends'

Felicity grinned to herself.

Little did she realise that even her thoughts were full of shamelessness since Ava wasn't even friends with her.

"Why did you hung up on me?" Felicity asked Ava out of sheer curiousity.

In the club, Ava talked to Felicity about how people never cared about her DJing.

Felicity thought that it was a good way to display Ava's skills and earn a place in the upper class society.

If they really succeed then Ava will no longer be good for nothing daughter of Jones.

Felicity didn't understand why Ava was reluctant towards this opportunity.

If she were Ava then she would grab this opportunity without a second thought.

"Because I don't like you" Ava replied bluntly.

Felicity tilted her head in confusion.

'I have not done anything to evoke such deslike from her. Have I? Then why does she not like me?'

'maybe it's because of clingy behaviour?'

Felicity pondered over it for a little while and nodded to herself seriously.

She casually shifted towards the outward of the bench.

"Its wierdly fascinating how your brain works. You are giving up on a opportunity to succeed just because of your deslike towards me and you do not even know me" Felicity used her fingers to stress on the word deslike.

Ava just silently looked at her but her face seemed full of disinterest.

After a short while she opened her mouth and said something.

"Who do you think you are? Just because you've got your way with the words dosen't mean that I'll do whatever you say" Ava clenched her jaw.

Her words did hurt Felicity. She was a cannon fodder after all. Ava was not a saint, Felicity knew.

"I didn't mean it like that" Felicity retorted back.

Ava snorted.

"You know what? I hate people like you. People who feel self entitled, people who think they deserve something just because they are 'perfect'. You are lucky but guess what? Not everyone is!" Ava said the last words loudly but since the place was a little secluded, no one heard it.

This one comment hit Felicity harder than the beat drop of an EDM song.

Felicity didn't have it easy either in her previous life. She had her own share of ups and downs. In this life although Felicity got success at an early age but in her previous life she way already 29 when she died.

Felicity did not have it easy at all.

Felicity always desliked people who did not make efforts themselves but would always talk down the efforts of others.

No matter what! One thing is true, that nobody itf ever lucky enough to get success without doing anything.

"YOU know what? You are hilarious. You call me self entitled and think that I act as if I deserve something. But YOU guess what? I DO desreve something because I work for it whereas you are just sitting and drowning yourself in self pity and you don't even try to change it? I am lucky because my efforts match my luck. You don't do shit because it's easier to just lay back and criticize." Felicity couldn't help but snap back.

Last comment from Ava made her angry.

She wasn't being mean or rude but somebody had to say it.

If she didn't say anything then Ava will not change.

"Please think it over and call me if you wanna try" Felicity sighed and turned back.

If Ava want it then she will approach her. If she doesn't, then Felicity cannot force anything on her. Not her ideas, friendship or even a survival.

She walked away leaving Ava who was silently gazing at some distance away.

Ava didn't move for a few minutes and a small tear slipped down her eye.

After a while she just sniffed and smiled.

Then she raised the hand that way holding the sandwich Felicity gave her and took a bite of it.

That's the chapter. I've been visiting relatives these past few days.

 I've been visiting relatives these past few days

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Take a look at this handsome prince uwu. *Fans myself*



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