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As soon as Felicity got a phone call from manager Guan she rushed to the hospital with Ava

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As soon as Felicity got a phone call from manager Guan she rushed to the hospital with Ava. While Ava was driving the car, Felicity was trying to call Ryan on the way.

Ryan had told her about how the City Hospital had all the fits VIP rooms book 10 occupied because of a viral that has been going around in the City. So she wanted to call him first and let him know that they might need his help but Ryan did not pick up her call.

Felicity felt sorrowful. There were times when Ryan couldn't pick up her calls in the past as well but right now when she really needed him and he still didn't pick up the call, made her sad.

Somewhere inside her, she knew she didn't only call him to reserve a room but also because she was anxious and she wanted to talk to her boyfriend, one of her intimately closest people to talk to her so that she will feel better.

Even his mere voice could calm her down but she didn't have him beside her to comfort her.

Business is risky, she knew and this was her first fatal blow that could overturn her hard work, anxiety was normal.

She and Ryan were great together. They had the spark but as soon as they weren't in that 5m radius, the sparks would vanish. Then she was left with uncertainty and loneliness.

Her boyfriend hadn't kissed her yet, she knew nothing about his personal life and he wasn't so vocal about his feelings. Was she a bad girlfriend to not be able to make her boyfriend comfortable enough to open up to her?

She wanted to vomit all her feelings at him and tell him whatever she felt like but she was scared that she might just end up pushing away her seemingly 'mature and reserved' boyfriend. Would she look immature?

Her trail of thoughts was broken by a call from Alexander. She picked up the call and her his urgent voice against her ear.

"Hey! I'm on my way to the hospital, I've got Kiazika settled in VIP ward 208," Alexander spoke. His deep and magnetic voice carried a sense of warmth that inadvertently comforted her.

Felicity hummed and thanked him.

"It's okay, are you okay?" Alexander did not forget to pay extra care to her. He always remembered to.

It felt so strange that Felicity chuckled and gave an answer in the affirmative. After that Alexander hung up and promised her to be at the hospital soon.

Ava who was paying minute attention to all of Felicity's expressions while still focusing on the road had a rough understanding of what had happened.

Lately, she had seen Felicity behaving strangely so she pestered her till she admitted that she was dating Doctor Ryan Cheng. Ava was happy for her, she felt that felicity was happier than she used to be but at the same time, she has seen her whenever Ryan ditched his plans with her or wasn't available.

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