11. Hickey and Awful Punishment

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Melissa's POV:

"B-blake." I squeal

No response from him. My mind keeps thinking of all the bad things he is about to do to me.

I wriggle in his arms trying to get out of it as I don't want to go anywhere with this psycho. It's not like I have done anything wrong for him to get angry.

"Stop squirming right this instant Mel." He grits his teeth.

"No-no-no. You are taking me to a place which I don't know of. And on top of that, you expect me to quietly get carried off by you. Put me down or else I will scream."
I grumble.

"Now we don't want Ella to get hurt, do we?" His eyes stuck to the dark path in front of us.

"I know that you won't be hurting Ella otherwise you know, there won't be anything left which will keep me with you. You are not that dumb, aren't you?" I speak with confidence.

"Oh really? Do you think that I only have Ella? I have many other options and even I got one today. Remember, Mark?" He tilts his head and mocks me while looking directly into my eyes.

My eyes widen in fear at his mentioning of Mark. Is he this sick? I mean I don't even know Mark and he is thinking about harming him. Will he kill every boy who talks with me? I won't let him. If I show him my weak side, he will keep torturing me. I have to stand for myself.

We keep going more into the dark. Now it's pitch black. I can't even see him let alone see the path in front of me. I shut my eyes in fear. I hate dark places. Not that I have a phobia but it's just that I don't like being in dark. It's pin-drop silence here. Only his footsteps and my breathing are audible.

"Do you think that Mark is someone who can make me stay with you? I didn't know that you are so dim-witted. Like seriously, I don't even know him. Why would I be afraid of you harming him?" I lie.
A complete lie. Indeed, I don't know him but I will never want someone to get hurt because of me.

"Oh, Mel I know you more than you do. So you can never lie to me, baby. And yeah he is important to you but you are denying it. I saw how you kept looking at him. Should I pull out his eyes or should I burn his face? Or should I rip out his tongue?" He pauses and puts me down which only adds more adrenaline to rush in my body. His face brushes past my cheeks. His face is buried in my hair.

"I think I should do all three to him, what do you think, sweetheart?" He whispers in my ear.

My hands turn into a fist. Anger boils inside of me. His words piercing my eardrum repeatedly. This is my chance. I have to show him my strong side. I have to be bold. I will not let him torment me anymore. It's enough.

"You wouldn't do that Blake." I retort.

"Try me! His hands cup my face.

I jerk off his hands abruptly and hold him by his collar before pulling him closer to me.

"Go ahead. If you want to lose me then go ahead. The moment you lay your finger on someone, I will leave you. I will kill myself before you kill someone else in front of me. You are a psycho and now I will show you to what length I can go to protect the ones whom I care for. If killing myself can free me and keep my loved ones away from you, then it's better to kill myself than to stay and get torture by you." I speak boldly.

My legs were trembling but I had to do this. I need to change. I can't look weak and helpless every time with him. Till the time I have to be with him, I can't just keep living like a puppet. I have to stand for myself. I don't care if he beats me to death. I would rather die than behave like a puppet. I never wanted this and as this is already happening I will strive through it. But till that time I will be my true self. I will not let him order me around. Enough with this being weak and vulnerable. Now I will show him how strong Melissa is.

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