18. Death and Disappointment

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Blake's POV:

The ride is surrounded by huge trees, blocking the bright sunlight. The road is empty, there's no sign of life visible. I floor the acceleration as the video of my dad tied to a chair with bruises and blood covering his body keeps playing in the back of my mind. My blood boils with every passing second. I am going to kill this bastard today.

I keep going further and soon an old abandoned warehouse comes into vision. Three guards are standing at the entrance. I park the car a little far and open the glove box and grab another gun and reload it before adding a silencer on the barrel. Ready with two guns, I get out of the car and stomp towards the entrance with one gun in my right hand and one at my back.

Taking a cover behind a huge tree I shoot all the three guys one after another. Their lifeless body falls on to the ground. I walk towards the entrance and some guards come running at me. I shoot a few of them, but they seem to be never-ending. My gun runs out of bullets, I throw it on the floor and move on with the fistfight. A guard comes at me with his balled fist in full force. I grab his fist, punch him in his stomach and kick his leg which makes him lose his balance. Another guy comes with an iron rod in his hand. I dodge him and grab the rod with one hand and kick him in the stomach with another. I turn the rod clockwise which loosens his grip on the rod and taking advantage, I jerk away the rod from his hand. I beat every other guy with the iron rod.

My vision is blurry, the only thing which I can see right now is the video which I saw before. Nobody has ever dared to threaten my family let alone kidnapping and torturing my dad. I see a blur vision of more few men coming at me, I pull out my gun from my back and start shooting while heading inside.

"Ahh.." I scream in pain as a bullet brush past my left arm and I fall on my knee. I look behind at the owner of the gun and shoot him right between his forehead in pure rage.

I grab my left arm which is bleeding profusely. Standing up with all force I force myself to walk towards the metal door. The rusty old metal lock clink opens as I pull the trigger at it. I kick the door with full force and open it. Bursting into the room I see the back of a person tied to a chair, my dad I guess. The room smells of rotten blood. The room would have been completely dark if not for the window which lets few rays of the sun penetrate this grunge room. I walk deeper into the room with full alertness.
He can't be letting me get my dad so easily, can he?

I move more closer to the chair with a heavy heart. If something happens to my dad, then I swear to make his life worse than hell. With courage, I walk more closely to get a look at him. My hands turn into a fist and my jaw clenches. My blood runs cold, my body freezes and a tear escapes my eye as I look at my lifeless dad. His face is drenched with blood with no eyes. He plucked out my dad's eye and left only one finger in his hand, a middle one. His head is resting on his left shoulder showing strangulated marks on his neck. Two knives are shoved into each thigh and a strange envelope painted with blood is on his lap.
I rip it open and find a paper and a  photograph.
It's a picture of my dad, me, and my mom with a red cross on my mom and dad's face. I look at the paper which says,


My phone rings and I look at the caller. It's him.

"You son of a bitch. I will hunt you down and will give you the most painful death, just you wait."

"Hahahahaha, you can never do that Blake. Let's not talk about impossible now okay. Isn't your dad looking amazing?"

"Shut the fuck up, you asshole. Remember my words, you will die in the most painful way someone has ever experienced." I yell on top of my lungs.

"That's impossible, now don't waste your time in finding me. Go save Melissa instead. And yeah one more thing..." He pauses for a second

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