16│One Last Dance

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Chapter Sixteen
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After hearing the news from Reggie that Julie's dad was going to let them perform at the studio and have it recorded for Youtube, the guys were excited that he didn't make his daughter quit the band after she lied to him. On the afternoon of the big performance, Rosalie sat on one of the armchairs in the studio, humming songs they had written while they jammed out on the couch.

Alex drums on his legs with concentration, going over the Edge of Great beat, the song they would be performing, and keeping it in his head for that evening. Reggie strums on the bass, Alex sending him a fleeting glance as the boy knocks his train of thought. Luke reads over his own lyrics, playing a little riff and looking over at Rosalie every once in a while. She always catches his eye, sending him a smile as Alex and Reggie watch them.

That's what they have been doing, just jamming out to pass the time until Julie came home and they could properly start practicing. It was going to be a while.

"Look, we add echoes during the chorus, then when Julie and Rosalie come in with the melody, it's going to sound perfect," Luke tells all of them, glancing over at the girl as she smiles at his words. She had gotten a lot more comfortable singing in front of people.

Alex and Reggie's exchange grins as Luke beams at them. Rosalie chuckles before a thud from outside draws their attention to the studio doors. She turns around, the boys glancing up to the windows, and the unmistakable helmet of Willie could be seen as he dips out of sight.

"Again? What's that all about?" Reggie asks, scoffing as he points to the door.

"Is he stalking us or something?" Rosalie asks, pulling her knees up to her chests, watching as Luke stares with confusion at the door.

"I don't know," Alex mumbles, his eyes set on where Willie had just been.

Rosalie hears the sound of Willie's skateboard on the ground and comes to an abrupt halt. "I wonder what his problem is," Luke exclaims, placing his guitar on the floor next to him, leaning it against his chair as he sits back.

"I don't know, man. True love works in mysterious ways." Reggie tells him, plucking at the strings on his bass once more.

"True love?" Rosalie asks, thinking back to how Julie obviously liked Nick, and without meaning to her mind, travels to her and Luke.

When she thought about it, she didn't know if she actually believed in true love. Only now, with Luke, she felt something. It terrified her. The whole aspect of soulmates and love scared her to the core. Just the thought that somewhere out there is the other person who she was made for made her panic.

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