21│Unfinished Business

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Chapter Twenty One
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The walk back to Julie's house consisted of Rosalie piecing herself back together, wiping tears from her cheeks, and trying to calm herself down. Julie walked beside her, wanting to give her space to process what she was feeling. None of them said anything the entire trip back to the house.

Making their way up the walkway to Julie's front door, she spotted Luke standing there on the porch. He was leaning against one of the posts on the porch, looking up slightly at the stars in the sky. His eyes were slightly red from crying as Rosalie and Julie approached, leaning on the post opposite of him, and they looked up at the stars as well.

"Sorry for overstepping," Julie told him softly, looking over at the same time that he looked at her and then to Rosalie. "I should've asked first-"

"No," Luke cut her off softly, a little grin on his lips as he took a few steps towards Rosalie, backing her into the post behind her as he looked down at them, "I just had to leave. It was a little-"

"You don't have to say anything-" Rosalie started to say.

"Yes, Rose. I do," Luke sighed, looking down at his hands before looking back at her. "I don't have many regrets in my life except for running out on my parents, especially my mom. So...thank you."

"You and the guys have helped me in a way that I didn't even know I needed," Rosalie explained, looking between Luke and Julie, leaning her head against the post behind her. "You brought music into my life. You have become the friend that I have never had in my life. I just wanted to do something for you for once since you've done so much for me."

Luke's hand came up to Rosalie's cheek as his eyes flicked between her eyes and her lips. Rosalie's eyes did the same, and she leaned into his hand. Julie stood beside them with a big grin on her face as she looked between them.

The smiles that sat on Luke's lips were a dumb one, one of those stupid, goofy smiles that people have when they're just happy. That was all Luke could think of right now, was how happy he was. His smile was the kind that transforms him into someone else entirely, the kind of smile that puts stars in his eyes and a sparkle on his lips, and she realized she's never seen him like this before. She's never seen his teeth, so straight, so white, nothing less than perfect. A flawless exterior for a boy with a kind heart. It's hard to believe how much he hurts underneath his smile. He looks soft and vulnerable, so human. His eyes are squinting from all his grinning, and his cheeks are pink from the cold night air.

He's easily the most beautiful thing Rosalie has ever seen. And she wished she'd never seen him because something inside of her heart was ripping apart, and it feels like fear, it tastes like panic and anxiety and desperation, and she doesn't know how to understand the image in front of her. She doesn't want to see Luke like this. She doesn't want to think of it as something more than a friend because she knew that she would be gone soon.

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