Chapter 13 - Hunt

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His heart raced, hands curled loosely like talons that dragged along the mirrors. This was exciting.

This was entertainment.

He could practically hear your heart pounding against your chest with each announcement he made.

Yes, he could use his powers to find you but that wasn't exactly fair... or fun!

Slow jazz melted out the clown laughs, drowning your ears in calming music against a not so calming situation.

That hum... distinguishable against any. He was close yet so far. The noise bounced off the walls, you didn't know where you were or where the exit was.

You just needed to get away from that humming.

"My dear~" You breath hitched as you heard his voice after a long silence of just humming. "Are you out yet? Or are you struggling?"

Not a word of reply left your lips. You wouldn't give any indication of your whereabouts but apparently the floorboards would. A single creak and you heard footsteps race towards you.

There in a mirror was Alastor, standing, grin as wide as possible and eyes dark as lost souls in this damned place.

"Hello~" He growls. Without another thought you dashed, feeling the walls for any edges, any exit from where you were.

Then you felt it, the exit from the rounded trap. Alastor's teeth, razor sharp shone bright as he followed your hurried steps, his own clicking behind him in a rhythmic tune.

But they stopped. Somehow he had lost sight of his target. His ears didn't fail him as your breathing gave away your hiding.

Walking right into a dead end, your heart sank as a hand crawled around your waist to force you against the glass.

"My dear... Did you really think you could escape?"

Your eyes snapped shut, letting his finger curl under your chin and lift your face to him.

"Open your eyes," he cooed softly, wanting to see that fear. "Open them." His stern voice made you do just that.

He was close... no, not just close... really close. His breath fought with your heavy one.

You didn't know if the adrenaline was caused by the chase or the proximity. His eyes was a glowing red river, deep with a horrible ending just waiting to happen.

Flushed against him, that didn't help you one bit. Could he feel your beating heart against him?

"Would you like to know your fate... or leave it as a surprise?" he husks.

You didn't have an answer. Knowing would help you prepare but something in you kept you quiet.

"Quiet now, are we?..." his smile turned to a smug smirk. "When I hunt my victims..." he drags a finger across your neck to your jaw. "I often go for the neck... you see it's a vulnerable spot with delicate arteries..."

His thumb grazed over each pumping vessel.

"Or as I did in my mortal life... I would go right for the heart, a kitchen knife does wonders," Two fingers trail to just above your pulse against your wrist. "But for a lady I wouldn't be so vile, one's heart beat is so noticeable from their pulse, dear,"

Something about this was scary, exhilarating and... something else you couldn't exactly put a finger on.

"However, you're a special case," You suddenly hitched breath made a sinister chuckle leave him. "No... I won't go for the neck... or heart..."

"Wh..." you only managed this syllable before your throat ran dry.

"You didn't finish,"

"Where are you going... going to go for?" This was all you could manage.

"You sides," he growls before digging right into you. But this wasn't pain, not the traditional kind.

"Al!" You burst into laughter. "S-Stop!" Blurting out pleads of mercy, Alastor let you fall to the ground before relentlessly going at you.

"Do you regret your actions?" He hums, moving along to the sensitive spots.

"Y-yes! I- I'm sorry!" air finally flowed normally into your lungs as Alastor stood up, towering over you. "Evil man,"

"The very worst," he lends out his hand for you to take which you do.


"Thank god you're not dead!" Charlie sighs in relief.

"He wouldn't kill me, he doesn't have the guts," You smirk.

"Well, I don't know about that," Alastor hums.

"Rude..." An idea popped into your head as you walked with the group around the park. "Video killed the radio star... Video killed the radio star~" You sing quietly. "In my mind and in my car, we can't rewind we've gone too far... Video killed the radio star~"

The group snickers as Alastor fought back the urge to strangle you.


The last stop was the circus. Niffty was eager and after seeing the acts, so were you. Popcorn in hand, you sat beside Alastor as the rest scattered the rest of the front seats.

Acts went by in a flash until the one you looked forward to most came up. Trapeze artists. They were skilled and graceful, elegant with each movement they pull.

With each swing done, you gasped as they flipped and landed perfectly. Choreographed to perfection one demon on a trapeze swung right in front of you, holding hand out for you to take.

In an instant you were pulled away from the stands and flipped in the air, a squeal escaping you as he caught you again. The Hazbin's cheer as you landed onto the net, bouncing back up into another demon's arms.

"What's your name, sweetie?" She asks, glittering eyes full of joy.

"Y/n," you laugh as she held onto your ankles.

"Nice to meet you, hon, I'm giving you to Oliver again, he really likes you,"

"Wh-" Oliver caught you. "Oliver?"

"You're right, what did Jessica say?"

"That you really liked me," you giggle, both landing on the starting block.

"Well, the cat's out... here's my number," he hands over a slip of paper.

"Do you do this for every girl you quite literally sweep off their feet?"

"I was going to find you after the show but this was just perfect timing," he kisses your hand softly. "Ready to go back?"

"As I'll ever be," holding onto him tight you were soon back in your seat, him leaving you with a wink.



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- Anna ❤️

Candy demon: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now