Chapter 14

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It was a rough night, so I was thankful when the sun peeked through the blinds, and my stomach had finally settled. I pulled myself out of bed slowly. I still had a bit of vertigo when I stood up, and fell back on the bed. I tried again, setting my footing more carefully, and crept into the kitchen. I filled the kettle with water, and sat down at the table.

Xan came up behind me and gave me a hug. "You look like hell."

"Gee thanks." I saw my reflection in the window and that comment was far from a lie. My hair was half stuck up in a weird cow-lick and half down and tangled. I had large dark circles under my eyes, and while my skin had a little color back, it was still far paler than usual.

"Anytime hon, so what can I get you for breakfast?"

"I think we better stick with some toast and butter. Keep it light. I don't want a repeat of last night."

"None of us do." Xan said, slightly cringing.

"You saw it huh?"

"And heard it."

"Sorry." I looked down and realized that I was still wearing the same clothes from last night. Eww!

"Hon, you go and shower and change, and by the time you get out, breakfast will be ready."

"Thanks. I need that."

I scurried off into the bathroom and stripped head to toe. I felt disgusting. I turned on the water, and hopped in the shower. I left the radio blasting to keep myself entertained. I finished up, and I jumped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel.

Before long I was dressed and ready to go. I felt much more energized after taking the shower, and nearly skipped to the table where the buttered toast was sitting.

Xan kissed my forehead and sat down beside me.

"Oh, Kate called while you were in the shower. I told her you'd call her back after breakfast."

I thanked him and rolled my eyes. I was not looking forward to telling my best friend she had found another dud. She promised she'd take my advice this time, which made me somewhat hopeful. But I hated giving her bad news. She seemed so happy around him. I was really dreading telling her that she should probably stay away. Worst of all I couldn't tell her why.

I finished my breakfast, and washed the dishes. I did them by hand trying to delay the inevitable. I sat on the couch for a while watching TV, with my cell in my hand. I took a deep breath, and realized that sooner or later I'd have to say something. I pushed '1' on the speed-dial and waited for her to pick-up. She got it after the first ring.

"How are you feelin' hon? Xan told me all about last night. It sounds awful. I feel like it's my fault, if I hadn't suggested that we go for dinner..."

"Calm down K. It's alright. I'm feeling a lot better."


"I swear. I think I caught a bug. If it was food poisoning both you and Aaron would be sick. Besides, you saw me. I was feeling a little off before I even took a bite, so no worries."

"Ok. Ok. So... What did you think? Isn't he amazing? So charming, and sweet and kind."

"Kate, please don't hate me for this."

"Oh no. What is it?"

"There's something off about him. I don't know what it is. But, there's something not right, and I really think you should stay away."

"Are you sure? Couldn't your radar be off or something on account of you being sick and what not."

"It could be. It's not a science or anything. I just give you my gut feeling. And, well, that's how I felt."

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