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Mia's POV


A snow storm started around sunset. It's dark now, but outside the windows I can still see the snow swirling, dancing around in a chaotic mass, white flecks in the night. The wind howls outside, pulling the snow in every direction. It's almost as if the weather knows what was set in stone today. A storm to mirror the storm to come. The snowflakes stick to the windows as they silently slam against it, melting from the inside warmth and running in teardrops down the glass panes.

A long, refreshing sigh escapes me as I stroll down the carpet-laid floor, heading to the alcove. Even though the storm isn't exactly peaceful, there's something comforting about storms. They are fun to wait out, because you have to stay inside and be all cozy. Then, when the storm is over, there is that specific, crisp post-storm smell that fills your nose and makes the world around you feel clean and new.

The alcove is a perfect place to watch the storm, since sleeping isn't an option right now. I tried, but I kept tossing and turning and sweating, until I eventually decided to walk it off.

The fireplace, like usual, is lit, and the huge window that usually shows a city of trees now only shows a few hundred feet ahead of it, the rest shrouded in snowy clouds. I'm sure El or Knox could still see just as well, though. A gust of wind whistles against the tree outside, throwing more snow onto the window. I watch the storm for a few minutes, how the snow sticks to the sides of trees and covers the cobblestones of the paths below me.

Eventually I walk over to stand in front of the fireplace, staring into it. The flames lick high, shifting from orange to yellow to red to the occasional blue. The black logs holding the flames glow and pulse with embers, snapping and popping. I close my eyes and take another deep breath, trying to acknowledge my thoughts, then let them go. Standing meditation, I guess.

After a few minutes of staring into the fire my thoughts go deeper into my head, my eyes unfocusing involuntarily as I let my thoughts consume me. Every thought, worry, and question I've had today all get their turn in the forefront my thoughts, until I've gone through every one of them. I don't answer the questions or think too hard about the worries, I just  listen to them, then let them go.

It works. Mostly. All except that one nagging thought. Is it my fault that there is going to be a war? Did I say the wrong thing?

I know El talked to me about it, but it still hasn't sunken in yet. I need- I don't even know. I think I need some reassurance that yes, war is happening or no, war is not happening, in order to accept what is to come and move on.

A ringing replaces the thoughts in my head, a note only I can hear, and I blink, resurfacing from my thoughts, back to the crackling of the fire and the howling of the storm outside. Warm, smoky air fills my lungs as I take a deep breath, noticing that while I was thinking I was so focused on my thoughts that my breaths were getting shallow. Is that possible, to forget to breathe? It shouldn't be.

My ears pick up the sound of soft footsteps, and I turn. Knox is walking down the hall, hair down and dressed in the usual night wear, a loose top and baggy pants. Hot, per usual. I almost start laughing as the thought pops up. What the hell, Mia.

He must notice my movement because his eyes, which were on the ground a second ago, now pierce mine.

"Not surprised to see me?" I ask, smirking. Knox shrugs with a small smile, walking over and stopping by the window.

"Not really."

"Why are you up?"

"The usual, couldn't sleep. You?"

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