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Mia's POV:


Knox reaches me just after I crumple to the ground, crouching down so he can look me in the eyes.

"What happened, You- Hey, oh my god what happened to your face?"

I reach up and brush my chilled fingers against my cheek. I hiss in pain as they brush the bump that's already forming there. I catch my breath for a second before answering.

"I-" I gasp as another wave of pain washes over me, this time coming from my ribs, where I was kicked a few minutes ago. I put a hand on my head, wincing at how painful my scalp feels too, thanks to Elmer yanking my hair. I swallow, wincing yet again at the pain it causes to swallow. Knox is looking at me with an analyzing gaze, probably noticing every scratch.

"Cin- Elmer, that was the big guy's name. They came to my room, tried to take me. They were chasing me, I got away and they were-" I point behind me, to where there is now nothing but snow and trees. Knox's eyes widen and he says something under his breath.

"Oh my god," he breaths, looking behind me then back at me. I then hear a shout coming from the wall.

"Cin! They're leaving!" One of them shouts, pointing over the wall. "It doesn't look like they took anything!"

"Elanil!" Knox calls out. El finally turns around, sees my state, and comes racing over.

"Help Mia. Take her to the hospital, I'll be there in a second."

Elanil nods as Knox stands and runs away, shouting orders at the men by the wall.

"Oh my god ohmygod ohmygod Mia I'm so so sorry," Elanil says as she helps me up, supporting my arms- which are also tender from being grabbed so tightly- and lifting me up. I can still stand, but my legs are a bit wobbly. El pulls one of my arms around her shoulder and starts walking, half holding me up. I let out a whimper of pain as we start walking, my rib hurting more with every step. But it surprises me how quickly I learn to just keep walking, even though it hurts.

"It's okay, it's not your fault," I reply, my voice raspy. El looks like she's in pain too, just thinking about what happened to me.

"No, it is. I locked your door, I-"

"Actually," I remark, "you helped me. They couldn't get through the door so they broke in through the window. It gave me time to hide and get ready."

Elanil nods, but I can tell she's not convinced. "The window? How did they see it?"

I shrug, which sends another wave of pain washing over me. "I-" I take a moment to gather a breath, "was hoping you would tell me."

Elanil shakes her head sadly, walking up to a huge tree. Somehow I just know that this is the hospital. I guess it's another Elf thing.

Inside it is, yet again, bigger than it looks. There are three hallways branching off of the main waiting room, one leading to a cafeteria, one leading to a huge room full of hospital beds, and another just for a closet stocked with supplies. The room with the hospital beds have other wooden hallways branching off of that, leading to more private bedrooms. For what kind of medical cases, I have no idea. From my spot standing at the entrance I can just see a few hospital beds down the hall, wood framed with white sheets and white cloth partitions separating the beds. I don't see any people so far. Elanil helps sit me down in the waiting room in one of the dozen wooden chairs with grey wool padding before looking around, hands on her hips.

"Where are all the nurses?" She asks, mostly talking to herself. "They must be closer to the action. I'll try to find someone here. Hang on a second, okay Mia?"

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