Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Distance

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A/N -

I'm so sorry for taking so long to update! I've been super busy these past few days, so I completely forgot to update! To make up for it, here's a double update! Enjoy!


Layla's POV


Monday the 7th of December. School has just finished. I'm now taking the bus home by myself. I seem to be checking the time every two seconds. Their lunch break is at 1:25, their time. It's now 3:23 here in New York.

I wait for what feels like another five minutes. I busy myself by plugging my headphones into my phone in preparation for our daily FaceTime call and picking at my cuticles. I know, bad habit. But when I check the time again, only a minute has passed.

I sigh quietly to myself, looking around the bus. I have no one sitting next to me, thankfully. The bus is pretty empty. I'm sitting near the back and there's only one other guy back here. Most people are sitting up front.

I jump slightly when I feel my phone buzz. I look down and see the picture of Reece and I that's saved as his contact photo. He's FaceTiming me. I answer almost immediately, holding the phone out in front of me slightly as his face takes up the screen.

"Hi, Reece," I murmur, smiling just at the sight of him. He's wearing a navy blue shirt today as opposed to his usual color palette of black and grey. It brings out the blue in his turquoise eyes.

"Hey, Sunshine," His voice is deep and husky as usual, a small smile sitting on his lips. He's sitting in the cafeteria, I can tell.

"No, no, no! I'm talking to her first today!" I hear the familiar sound of my best friend's voice before the camera suddenly shifts so that Amanda's face takes up the screen. I hear Reece's sigh and I laugh quietly. Anna's face soon joins Amanda's and the two of them grin at me. "Hey, girl!"

"Hi," I laugh, tucking some of my hair behind my ear, "How's it going?"

"Pretty good. Nothing's the same without you here, though." Anna pouts and I mimic her.

"I know, it sucks."

"But on a brighter note!" Amanda turns her frown into a smile again, "I got an A on my English essay!"

"See! I told you it was good!" I grin.

She rolls her eyes, "Only after you edited it for me."

I chuckle, "You're welcome."

"More good news!" Anna adds, "Liam's taking me on our first official date this weekend."

"It's about dámn time," I tell her with wide eyes, grinning.

"Hey! I was insecure, alright?" Liam's head comes into the frame, showing the pout present on his face.

"Aww, it's alright, Liam. We understand," I reassure him, chuckling lightly, "Where's Mark?" I ask, noticing the notification that just came through from him. That will be my daily joke about fries.

"Football practice. They have an extra one today because Friday's game is against a really hard team," Amanda replies as Liam moves back to his seat.

"Alright, alright, I want my phone back now, please," Reece's voice cuts through the conversation and the girls hurriedly say their goodbyes before he takes his phone back.

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