Hurt Is The New Love

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"Well I can see, you home with me. But you're with another man."-Are you gonna be my girl, Jet.

Warning: Depiction of violence! Proceed with caution.

Eliana's POV

"You never learn, do you?"

My skin prickled and the hair on my body stood when I heard his voice. I let go of Caden and turned around slowly, locating him right in front of me with his arms crossed on his chest.

Caden probably recognized him because he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him, protecting me in a way. My back was against his chest and I could feel his heartbeats, multiplying by the second.

"Someone would think that after all these times that you made me angry, you would stay away from trouble. And here you are, whoring around minutes after you found out what you are." He spoke up again. His eyes fell on Caden's hands around my waist and his red orbs danced dangerously inside his eyes.

I know that I should probably feel scared of what is to happen to me next, but all I can feel is the anger bubbling inside me, ready to explode.

"Eli...Eli that's him. The one who ki-" Caden started.

"I know" I interrupted him. It's best if he didn't speak now.

There was silence. We were just looking at each other, challenging one another.

To be honest I was just buying time, to mentally prepare myself for the conversation and the events that are about to follow.

I guess he decided he had enough of that awful staring contest because his hands fell on his sides and he took a step forward.

"Why did you do it?" I asked quickly, making him stop.

"I warned you" He casually replied.

"That's not what I asked. Why did you do it?" I repeated, feeling the anger ready to burst.

I just felt so angry with him. There was this weird feeling of rage inside me that I have never felt before. It was a mixture of hate, terror, and betrayal.

This whole situation is driving me insane and the fact that Lucifer actually killed Caden out of jealousy is just the cherry on top.

"Because you disobeyed me, and I warned you of what would happen to him if you stayed"

I pushed away from Caden and stepped closer to Lucifer, craning my neck to maintain eye contact.

Every time our eyes collided I felt a spark of electricity blast inside me, my brain always becoming foggy. The first time I saw him he could manipulate me in a heartbeat but I think somehow I have learned how to control it and fight against this stupid mind link.

"Can't you just admit it? Or is your ego that bruised?" I spit out, my anger getting the best of me.

His eye color started shifting between red, burgundy, and black and I could practically sense his wrath on the air. He inhaled sharply and his left eye twitched.

"Don't go there." He said, trying to calm himself down. "Now enough talking and enough of your little games. Step away, we can do this without you getting hurt again." He said and took another step, extending his arm.

"No" I replied and with my hands shielded Caden from Lucifer.

"Oh?" He stopped again. He cocked one eyebrow and let out a small humorless chuckle.

"I said no." I was practically challenging him with my eyes, silently praying that he would let me go.

"Your mom was right." He smirked at me."You really are stupid."

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